THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FASTING: REMEMBER FASTING IS SCRIPTURAL AND FOR YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. This kind of fasting, you’ll find what you eat not tasting at all. The redemption, is not only for the soul but also your body. Some of you will even sweat, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that sweat is not ordinary; God is touching you. Whatever is in your body is coming out; God is changing your body. The Bible says Moses was with God 40 days and 40 nights. Your body will now be controlled by the Holy Spirit and when it is, you are controlled by His Spirit, you are able to please God. With some of you, you won’t be able to break. What we are talking about here, it’s not Biology, and it’s not Science but the Holy Spirit. When you find that there more you eat, the more you become hungry - God is training you – FAST. Some of you will experience this; not sleeping also - grab the opportunity, praise and pray and know that that time calls for worship. Like Moses, 40 nights not sleeping but with God. This is the grace, the grace of God and you will receive secrets from above. In your fasting, calculate the money you would use to eat breakfast, lunch or food, look for people who suffer and give them, don’t bring it to church give it to them.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Jan 2014 12:55:09 +0000

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