THINK BULLETIN 2 PART 1 Because MAN, he/she refused to keep - TopicsExpress


THINK BULLETIN 2 PART 1 Because MAN, he/she refused to keep God as their Permanent source of knowledge, their senseless, empty mind-heart was darkened, and they lost their Innocence and the PURITY of their created gift of Spiritual wholesomeness and Divine, yes, Completeness. Genesis 2:16-18 Our First Parents, through indisputably Created Innocent, they were NOT BEYOND the LAW of POSSIBILITY: of DISOBEDIENCE, nor of Doing as we say, what is WRONG. Genesis 3:1-19 Hold on, you my dear friends. a) What about those of us who lived, and is presently living with “Our Dead Conscience!” What about those of us whose Conscience are so stifled with the SENSITIVITY Of GUILT, that we Cannot Recognise the LOVE of others who selflessly Cares for us! Proverbs 10:12 b) What about You and I who were BORN INNOCENT, but was SWALLOWED UP by the INIQUITIOUS INHERITANCE of our SIN SICK SOCIETY! INCLUSIVE of our “PARENTAL HOUSE”, instead of being in a Decent,_ nay, a Spiritually DECENT FAMILY HOME, UNDER God’s CONTROL! Are you looking for EXCUSES! c) What about those of us, who RUN FROM THE TRUTH about our life-style devoid of all the Charms of Compassion, of Empathy, and Godliness! What about you and I who have the knowledge of Right and Wrong; Good and Evil, and Consciously Chose to fill up, and Drown our Soul with every form of IMMORALITY! NOTE: Not even the Old Testament Law, Romans 8:5-8 with all of its stipulations of Harsh Punishment could prevent “the Carnal Minded” within and with out the Christian Community, nor those who held fast to the Mosiac Law Traditions and Customs, from the continuance of their disobedient lifestyle. The Laws of the State, as the Law was in OLD Testament Days, is Powerless against the Demonic and the diabolical influences in the heart-mind of those who chose to become the Servants of God Adversary. 2Timothy 5:14-15; 1Corinthians 11:14; Acts 3:1-5. d) What about you who choose to live a “Two FACE Christian Life!” Are you really powerless? Are you Unable to forgive yourself for the Secret Sins which you committed, and at this moment, are Actively involved in carrying out! Let me remind you friends, that which, “the Law of God” in Moses Dispensation could not do, and the many Laws of State will never be able to do, God is able to do. “He sent His Son; His own Son….” Stop, read Romans 8:3-8 Then read and Think carefully of John 3:16-20 e) Think! look at your inner Secret Self, if you have just read those verses! What have you seen! What have you been able to IDENTIFY as The Reality of your hidden Secrets, which causes you to be offended! To become ASHAMED of your True Self and Angry for reminding you of your CONTINUOUS SELF DEFEATING, DOUBLE MINDEDNESS! Before I met the Saviour I lived like many of you. Do not become filled with Animosity against the TRUTH of God. I did not only live like you, I was WORST than you. I have had more SINS of Shame forgiven by God, through Christ Jesus, than you may NEVER have to seek Pardon and cleansing for, in your lifetime. Come out of that ice cream cone in which you are living! That which you have made to mentally secrete yourself. Come out of your own designed sewer. Open up; release the pressure values, let your cleansing be real. Give yourself the opportunity to be led by the Spirit of God. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are Sons and Daughters of God.” Romans 8:14 St. Paul is encouraging every human being, not to live according to the “flesh” Do as I have done my friends: Put to Death, whether slow, quick or instantaneously! You need to put to death, maybe very progressively, your Sinful Hunger and your thirstiness, which yours, yes and my lower nature, never ceases to part after. I once saw a bull-dog panting for water in the burning sun, where there was NO SHELTER. Then, suddenly, very strong feelings of fear; covered my conscious awareness. I became anxious of my SINS, and realized I could do nothing about this, because I was my own foolish store keeper, in the warehouse of my mind-heart. So, I cried and cried, until the invisible fingers of Christ Jesus wiped the TEARS OF SIN from my eyes. This is how I realized that “Love is God”, and he sent His only begotten Son, “not to merely DIE for me. No, but most important, to Resurrect me from the Grave which I had dug, and for which I had RESPONSIBLE, for my own untimely burial. This is how I came to know that even a Preacher, Evangelist, Pastor, and you; many, many of you, can also be “living, and yet Dead”. Thoughts like these still swell my heart, and my stomach reverberate with tearful emotion. 1John 1:1-10 ;1John 2:15-17 1John 4:7-10 ;1John 4:20; John Gospel 4:7-24. f) When we think about the many ways in which Light can be of HELP to you and me, it is easy for anyone who give themselves to God to discover that Light easily reveals who we are, firstly our individual true self. Second, it shows us that Christ Jesus as God in the Flesh, reveals to you and I burdened by our own deceptive thoughts, actions, and lifestyle, that we to can give proof of Hs majesty, sovereignty, and His holiness. 1John 1:5. How can this be, as the lawyer and academic Nicodemus asked Christ in John 3:4 Simple; very simple. Do as King David; cry out to God with honest regret. “Have Mercy on me, O God, according to your loving kindness: According to the Multitude of your tender mercies, BLOT out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my INIQUITY, AND CLEANSE ME FROM”_ ALL_ “My sins.” Psalm 51:1-2 you or me may NOT have DONE exactly what the King did, but God’s word says to you and me dear friends. “If we say that we have NO SIN, we Deceive Ourselves and the Truth is Not in us. If We confess our sins”_ the total multitude of the Wrongs and the Evil we DID to people, the state and against God_ “if we Confess” _ them all_ “He is Faithful and just to Forgive us our sins, and to CLEANSE US from ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.” 1John 1:8-9 Stop and read 2Samuel 11:12. If is one thing I am afraid of besides Denying the Reality of God is, Living with an Abundance of Un-forgiven Memory, the holding of Evil in my heart against a particular person or persons, and yet say God bless you with a mischievous smile covering my face, to hide the ugliness of my displeasure. I honestly and sincerely wish that “Love as a life” can find a true channel of communication to link heart with heart and mind with min. For just as kind begets kind in that linkage between Husband and Wife, and Prayer connects the Divine with the Redeemed through Grace and Mercy, so to every disappointment and Pain we experience can be cleansed from our Soul by our Forgiving those who Trespass Against us. Unless you do so, you will and shall ALWAYS BE A CAPTIVE IN THE Prison of Your Mind Heart. Matthew 6:13-15; Luke 6:27-36 .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 21:54:36 +0000

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