THINKING RANDOMLY ABOUT AMERICA SINCE NO ONE ELSE IS DOING IT (Part I of a 2-part series) I wrote a rather long narrative, a week or so ago, in which I mentioned a book, titled, “The Ruins of Empire,” a publication written in the 19th century, by Constantine Francis Volney. The Frenchman sought to examine the question, what happened to countries, in history, which were not only great, but had been involved in building empires, in the past. Volney went to the sites of these once great centers of power, seeking an answer to the question, “What happened?” The question certainly pricked my interest, which is why I have read the book twice, thus far, thinking more and more, about why, what happened, happened, and why, what happened, happened the way it happened. Volney ventured into the question, only to seek a political explanation, but failed, in my opinion, to understand the psychological dimensions of the issue. My own view is that nations, like people, go out of existence, by default, eventually, because they lose their will to live. I think we are living in such a nation now. Those, who read what I write on Facebook, from time to time, should know, by now, that I have absolutely no faith in any of the so-called leaders, in Washington, or elsewhere, in this country, and consider them all to be pathological parasites, too sick to render any real service to anybody, including themselves. I see this pathological sickness, everywhere there are people claiming to be leading anybody, anywhere, particularly those claiming to be leaders of this nation, especially people like Barack Obama, John Boehner, Harry Reid, you name the political figures. They are all psychological misfits, and the idea of party affiliation, by the American People, just means the psychological problem, in the body politic, does not just rest with the politicians, but with the American People, also. It took me a while to draw the latter conclusion because I have a lot of respect for the American People, and think they are, by and large, a very decent people, but the American People are sick too. It might well be that people, on the planet, in general, are crazy. I think so, and I certainly think it is time we examined that question, but this particular discussion is about this country, and its craziness, not the craziness of the entire world. My friends often chide me about what I said in more ancient times, during this lifetime journey, and what I am saying now. I make no apologies for that. Anyone, who is saying, today, the same thing he, or she, said some 30 years ago, is a fool, too ignorant for words. There is no person on this planet who can know the same thing in the past, as he, or she, will know in the future. I claim to know more now, than I knew 30 years ago, and about a lot of things, I have changed my mind. One thing I have certainly changed my mind about is that I can change the world. I once thought that. I really did. To say that I was naïve, at the time, would be an understatement. I am far less naïve today. Believe that! What my friends are witnessing is a far less naïve George Moss. I really don’t care how they take it. What they see is what they get. What has remained constant is that I am no pretender, not then, and not now. If they can’t understand that is the only constant, that is tough. I ain’t explaining it to them. They should know, by now, that I am not one to say what other people like, and want to hear, and if they don’t, it most definitely doesn’t mean that I am going to waste my time explaining it to them. What they like is their concern, not mine. When my views were, then, what they were, you got that George Moss. You will not get that George Moss, today. And an apology, for any changes, is out of the question. You ain’t getting one, and that is final. I listen to various philosophers, some of whom are quite profound, and owe much to their thinking, including writers like Volney. I have great respect, especially, for the ideas of Ayn Rand, whose views about morality trump anything the gangsters in Washington talk about. They wouldn’t know what morality is, even if it hit them in their stupid faces. It sickens me to have to even listen to these people. Every time they talk, all I hear is their pathology. These people are sick, and do not even know they are sick, which is a clear indication of just how sick they are. I have stated that Lord Acton was incorrect is saying that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The statement, itself, is contradictory, and nonsensical, although I wrote a paper on it when I was in undergraduate school, writing nonsense, which was a requirement, although I was not aware of it, at the time. If power “tends to corrupt,” then it could only tend to corrupt absolutely. But it is not power that corrupts; human nature corrupts. And those who pursue power, are already exhibiting their corruption. Who said so?! I can answer that one. I said so!!! Imagine, if you will, how sick Obama is, a man who deceived the American People into believing that he was someone he was not, and then, after hiding his true identity behind mindless slogans such as “Yes, We Can,” and “Change You Can Believe In,” takes the verdict of the American People, at the polls, as a mandate to fundamentally change this country, which he, as one man, who deceived the American people, is to decide. Is this man clinically sick? You bet he is; this man is crazy. Put a period there, too. Everybody in this man’s administration, in fact, is a psychopath. Take Eric Holder, the Attorney General, for instance, who went before the Black Action Network group, headed by “Sharpton rat” (the “New York Post’s” description, not mine), this week, bemoaning the fact that members of Congress would not go along with his defiance of Congress’s oversight responsibilities. This insane man, who needs to be institutionalized, was telling those in the audience, who are as crazy as he is, to imagine anyone who has been treated as he was just treated, by people who have cited him for contempt because he actually holds Congress in contempt, and pathologically expects members of Congress to act as if they haven’t noticed. When this man was reminded of his own actions, he then used the race card, and had the fools in this audience applauding his nonsense. I needed a cup of coffee when I heard Senator Ted Cruz, who is the best we got, in the political arena, but he is not much either, saying that Holder should be impeached if….” If what, if he actually shoots somebody? This man should never have been confirmed for his present office, in the first place, and should have been impeached a long time ago, starting with when he refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party, for voter intimidation, in Philadelphia. This man then turned around, being the projectionist that he is, and called the American People, a group of cowards. What a sick man! Eric Holder belongs in an insane asylum, end of story! His boss is not one bit better. Obama, unbeknownst to blacks, is black people’s worse nightmare. He is that for the nation, as well. But let’s just stick to black people here, since they, for the most part, endorse this two-bit hustler’s nonsense, regardless of what he does. Recently, he said before a cheering audience, “Give America a raise.” Was he talking about a raise, out of his pocket, or out of someone else’s pocket? And when he used the word, “give,” does that have the same meaning as when one makes the appeal for one to “Give to the March of Dimes”? If not, what is the difference? The difference is that, in the latter, the appeal is to charity. When one appeals to one’s charitable impulses, there are other options. You don’t have to comply. There is no force. You can write a check, or you can choose not to write a check. There is a choice. When Obama says “Give America A Raise,” he is not saying he is going to give anybody anything, and he is not saying anyone affected in this “giving,” will have any choice in the matter, either. What is hidden, in this case, is that the President has brought a gun into the room. Obama is not talking about charity; he is talking about government force. That is the “gun” in the room. And people can’t see it because they are knuckle heads. What is the affect on black people, who are doing all of this cheering? The affect on black people, although all are affected, is that Obama is making sure their children, especially, will never have a job, and will continue to be incarcerated at higher rates than other youth. Black youths drop out of school at higher rates than white youths. Nobody is going to hire these youths at “$10.10.” Minimum wage laws make it illegal to hire them at, let’s say, “$9.09.” What looks like benevolence, is government force. Black youth will be disproportionately unemployed, not because of businessmen, who are in business, not for philanthropy, but to make a profit, but because of the government’s minimum wage laws. When the minimum wage is set by the government, what it means is not that wages, in the aggregate, will go up, but aggregate unemployment will go up. The government, by raising minimum wages, through force, has made it illegal to hire lower skilled workers, a result of this force. The minimum wage law is not a safety net; it is an attack on unskilled workers, made to look like a safety net. The intent to is to drive them into greater dependency, dependency upon politicians who are perceived as their benefactors, not their political, and economic, adversaries. Clever, very clever! The “gun” is concealed, which is why there is no protest. Even members of the Congressional Black Caucus, made up of some of the most corrupt members in Congress (although there are no saints in Congress, as in none), had to say that, if a white politician, was President, instead of Obama, and had caused the misery in the black community that Obama has caused, blacks would be in the street, demonstrating. Leading them would be Al Sharpton, the “rat” (not my word, but that of the “New York Dailey” newspaper). Instead, Sharpton invites Obama to speak, because Sharpton is a parasite too. Is this thing on?! If it is, there is part 2 coming your way tomorrow because I just have to bring people like John Dingell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and Mitch McConnell, into this public conversation, on Facebook. I am saving the best (rest) for last.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 17:38:08 +0000

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