THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM OUR DEAR PRECIOUS LORD JESUS ABOUT THE OUTPOURING OF HIS HOLY SPIRIT....AND WHAT IS HAPPENING...GLORY BE TO GOD...HALLELUJAH This is the era of Joel 2. My Spirit is outpouring NOW, and whoever is willing, has died to self, carries his cross and denies himself daily, will receive My Spirits outpouring upon their lives. Daughter, I know the times. I alone am in control. This is the time of Great Deception, the time of Great War in the spirit realm. (Revelation 12:12-13) The devil is fighting, warring against My Bride-causing some, yet also many to stumble in their faith in Me. Read My word children, I have prophesied of this time in My word, Matthew 24. My enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy. He will and is deceiving even the elect (Matthew 24:24). Be careful, be very careful My Ones. Seek Me in the secret place and I will reveal Myself (Psalm 91:1) . Do not go to any man but come to Me. I know all truth for I AM TRUTH. I repeat again: I know who My prophets are. Come to Me and I will reveal this to you. Do not just believe any word. The devil can also tell you what you desire to hear (2Corinthians 11:14). *ANY MESSAGE THAT DECLARES MY COMING AFAR OFF IS NOT FROM ME. For I tell you now: THIS IS THE SEASON OF MY COMING. I AM COMING FOR MY BRIDE NOW. SHE WHO HAS MY HEART, SHE WHO HAS MY SPIRIT IN HER. SHE IS LED BY HIM IN ALL THINGS, ALL THINGS! SHE KNOWS HOW CLOSE MY RETURN IS, AND SHE IS LOOKING TO MY APPEARING. SHE LOVES ME, SHE LIVES FOR ME. SHE DENIES HERSELF EVERYDAY IN PURSUIT OF ME-MY PERFECT WILL. SHE YEARNS FOR ME, ME ALONE. SHE KNOWS ME AND I KNOW HER. SHE IS MINE AND I AM HERS. SHE LIVES FOR MY FATHERS WILL ALONE. SHE DELIGHTS NOT IN THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD. NOR DOES SHE PLAY THE HARLOT WITH MY ENEMY, THIS WORLD. I TELL YOU, THIS ONE IS MY BRIDE. SHE HAS EYES FOR ME ALONE. HER HEART IS ONE WITH MINE. SHE HEARS ME (For My sheep hear My voice-John 10:27) . SHE LOVES ME. SHE SANCTIFIES HERSELF EVERYDAY WITH MY BLOOD, SHE WASHES HERSELF CLEAN WITH MY WORD. SHE EATS OF ME EVERYDAY OF HER LIFE. SHE KNOWS THAT I, JESUS, AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. SHE HUNGERS AND THIRSTS FOR THIS BREAD AND THERFORE SHE IS FED OF ME AND BY ME EVERYDAY. FOR, Blessed are those who those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:8). You know who you are- My Bride, and I, your BRIDEGROOM, know you. I love you. I search the hearts of man. Not all are Mine, though many profess to know Me. Not all have completely died to self-denied themselves and have submitted to Me in full surrender. Many still have their own desires outside My will. I search the hearts. I see all. I AM THE ALL IN ALL. I am the CREATOR and MAKER of all that exist-both visible and invisible (Revelation 4:8-11). These are My words to you today: I AM COMING! Again I say to you: MY Bride knows how close I am. Read My word, see the signs! Matthew 24. THE SON OF MAN IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN. LOOK UP MY BRIDE, FOR YOUR REDEMPTION IS AT HAND! 1John4:1, 1John 2:17, 2:28, Matthew 16:2-3, Matthew 24:24, 32-33, Matthew 24:36; 42; 44; 45; 46, Revelation 22:12.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 02:40:57 +0000

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