THIS IS A MUST READ FOR ALL! Please be open minded and willing to - TopicsExpress


THIS IS A MUST READ FOR ALL! Please be open minded and willing to get out of this cage you have been brain washed to believe in reality.This is EXACTLY what I have been saying! I know they are just talking about drug addiction in this article but why do you think they are caging us. I would think for a higher purpose?! I say Aliens a lot and people go well wouldnt they have taken us over by what if they are already have an are doing this. Leading us to slaughter. Like farmers with their cows,chickens and pigs. Why is this so hard for people to believe. I think its cause they dont want to believe it. Cause the reality is overwhelmingly scary and most would rather stay living like this based of fear and comfortabilty then stand up for our souls and our planet in this universe.The Matrix is real people very very real! And heres a piece from the article itself. Here are some ways to put a human being in a cage: —Remove as much as possible all opportunities for meaningful self-expression and service. Instead, coerce people into dead-end labor just to pay the bills and service the debts. Seduce others into living off such labor of others. —Cut people off from nature and from place. At most let nature be a spectacle or venue for recreation, but remove any real intimacy with the land. Source food and medicine from thousands of miles away. —Move life – especially children’s lives – indoors. Let as many sounds as possible be manufactured sounds, and as many sights be virtual sights. —Destroy community bonds by casting people into a society of strangers, in which you don’t rely on and needn’t even know by name the people living around you. —Create constant survival anxiety by making survival depend on money, and then making money artificially scarce. Administer a money system in which there is always more debt than there is money. —Divide the world up into property, and confine people to spaces that they own or pay to occupy. —Replace the infinite variety of the natural and artisanal world, where every object is unique, with the sameness of commodity goods. —Reduce the intimate realm of social interaction to the nuclear family and put that family in a box. Destroy the tribe, the village, the clan, and the extended family as a functioning social unit. —Make children stay indoors in age-segregated classrooms in a competitive environment where they are conditioned to perform tasks that they don’t really care about or want to do, for the sake of external rewards. —Destroy the local stories and relationships that build identity, and replace them with celebrity news, sports team identification, brand identification, and world views imposed by authority. —Delegitimize or illegalize folk knowledge of how to heal and care for one another, and replace it with the paradigm of the “patient” dependent on medical authorities for health.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 19:25:13 +0000

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