THIS IS A RESPONSE TO A LONG THREAD. RATHER THAN WASTE ON A FEW, HERE IS IT. IT MAY APPEAR FRAGMENTED, BUT, REMEMBER, IT IS A RESPONSE TO OTHERS. Ok, since I have to read every word, I will comment as I pass through the dialog. Joe Ingino Anne Shipperley DeVuono is NOT speaking for Lou DeVuono he once admitted to me that she is her own person and has her own opinions. SO, lose that line. And, I have to come to Cory Weirs defense as he is more than grown up, and, with values and opinions well beyond the grown ups I know today, and, a man who stands for his beliefs no matter what the consequences. If I was entering a serious demonstration, I would want Cory by my side. Victoria Waterfront? AMAZING and with lots of ocean front open space...surrounded by neighbourhoods with character. Chicago, very much like our waterfront landscape at one time. Much harsher weather but a similar climate overall. Note where their marina is located, right out in the lake behind a break wall. It cold be located to the west where there is a very shallow sandbar running out into the lake. It would shelter the beach, and, create a marina people would flock to. Not some after thought hidden in the middle of lands some believe is still polluted. Chicago waterfront is a people place....even with 8 lanes of highway passing through. In the early part of the century, the last one, they even reversed the flow of a seriously polluted river, so, when it passes through the downtown, it is clean. What I am saying is anything is possible; this is how we have to dream, we have to dream the impossible. Not related to Joes plan, we could create a pond for people to gather, south of Midtown; the pond would allow for control of the river flow and the creation of a whitewater course. Something badly needed in the GTA. To protect the marina, a few old ships could be sunk offshore to creat a diving center. Another much needed activity in the GTA. All big money makers. Toronto, or Vancouver, or New York, Fort Lauderdale, London, they allow architects with a vision to create something where people will come. When people have spectacular places to, industries follow creating real jobs beyond out fastest growing industries, retail and service. Do we want to be servants to the bedroom industry and the public servant, or do we want our youth to have a future to look forward to. A properly developed waterfront and a functioning airport with a passenger carrier, will attract the money we need. Joe has a plan available for the airport that will make all happy with its development; but, as usual, he does not have the opportunity to show the people. Anne, do not apologize for being married to a mayoral candidate, although I am only getting to know you both, I feel that you should be proud of one another. And, every political leader should have their family by there side. Now, Anne, Admins of this group do NOT support free thinkers and advocates the bashing of anyone that does. As long as it is Joe Ingino that is doing the bashing. this is totally unfair. I do not favour Joe and have deleted more of his writings than all combined. He is no doubt a bully but I have met very few successfully corporate people who are not bullies. That is what makes them successful, and, in my work years, I encountered more than most. Think Conrad Black for one. Rosemary Mcconkey.... all talk no real substance and at the end of the day a lot of time wasted and nothing accomplished. Pure male bovine excrement, Joe. I think that those who love and appreciate Bruce Borland should arrange an intervention for him. Its got to the point where he doesnt even see Joes lies anymore and defends everything he says and does. I liked Bruce much better before Joe came along and I think we should do something about this. Howard, I suggest you and all ask Joe how easy I am to get along with, I am one of his most brutal critics. Ask anyone who has attended a town hall, if I sit silent. The difference between me and those that work fo other candidates, I remain my own self. When exactly, Jack Snedden, please answer, Joe, calling some women c_ _ts is not a wise election strategy. As a prelude to your candidacy, could you not have offered women a better reason to support you or do you know something I dont know? Why are you not launching a formal complaint against Nester Pidrebecki for his use of C***, wop, and many other derogator names. The time it was an issue here, how could I ignore the argument when a lady called a man, a dick and he replied she was a c***, what is the difference, really? Jack, the dark ages of Oshawa are the past, we are looking toward a future. Perhaps, you and your Conservatives friends from Whitby prefer to see us slide, while Whitby prospers with a beautiful waterfront, with condos, I may add. I have always said the old Texaco lands would make a great location for an ethanol plant. Perhaps reaching into the Heydonshore lands. We know that will never happen because you wold be on the fron lines to stop it while promoting the destruction of our opportunities in Oshawa. I love you Jack and I cherish our friendship, but, you know where the line is, move back into Whitby for this election. Your support of one individual astounds me when you know what has been done to many of your friends. I see it sometimes that your intervention into Oshawa as malicious for entertainment rather than concern for the people. WTF ??? Why are you wasting your own valuable time with him and alienating your other friends ?? Why ?? Get away from him before its too late !!!...last time I checked, I am free to support a candidate of my choosing, if that alienates friends then are the friends in the first place. Look at all those who took advantage of this group, all those who were on board for change, they have all sat silent. I could name one and all, they played thee friends card, but, even before Joe, they proved beyond a doubt that they are a click, and people like us do not belong. Joe speaks of meetings, I do know they have and are happening as I questioned why I was excluded after all I had done. Well, I believe that I, and, you, if you only knew, all of you who dont belong to the golf club crowd, live around the hospital, are not part of this citys future. They used me for their own purposes then kicked me into the waste they see most of Oshawa as. For this one I will ask Rosemary McConkey. Be totally honest, have these meetings taken place? 3xn/#/architecture/by-year/67-cph-arch Your point Rosemary. This is not some remarkable revelation, anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that the picture was only a vision of what can and will be. I could post 100s of worldwide visions to accentuate the plan for what we can be. Tony Gentile in the 1991? election, a candidate proposed a plan for the downtown, he had it fully costed by an auditor, Nancy Diamond floated a huge number lie and was elected. Our downtown has become a service center of low paying jobs since. She openly lied with no evidence and the people swallowed it. And, she still lied during the auditor issue, and, is and will still be collecting her income with no accountability, because people cannot pull together for anything or any issue. Jack, I have never inferred anything, perhaps, you along with others on this thread, should maybe consider literacy and retention courses. Like your buddy, Bill Longworth and Brandon J. Harris I have always advocated putting all the lands up for an international architects competition, then the winning architect and private money develop something special. This is why I latched on to Joes promise, not his plan, for a 1.2 billion dollar investment. If he can not deliver, he is the only one actually giving us that dream, then, so be it, I buy a lottery ticket and carry it for months dreaming that it is a winner. One day, it just may be. And, just maybe, his plan will be the winner for Oshawa, but, we will never find out because of the closed minds that kill this city of an viable future. The Conservatives swarm over this knowing they can do, and will do, anything to us. Wait, if they survive the next election, and, we know that we will not have the money to develop the lands that under the agreement, if not developed, will be returned. No one will want to locate on these land because they have never been properly cleaned. Our only hope is a Liberal or NDP government, who just may do the right thing. We have to first get rid of all the clowns running the harbour and hire people who actually are about the city. Oshawas own little evil empire. Rosemary, someone with aspirations to be mayor, someone with a long successful real estate career, should understand that drawings and examples are where development starts. This comment it THE most absurd you have ever uttered, and, I personally, knowing you, expect much better. Tony, funny you should say in plain English because it was tricky getting details on Joes concept plan, which was taken from a 2008 design competition in Copenhagen, in plain English, as most of the pages on the internet where the rendering appears had to be translated from Portuguese... We do not need a Clouseau for a mayor, Rosemary, we need people with a creative imagination. I love and respect you, but, do we really need someone who has rarely ventured south of city hall to run Oshawa? It is us who wants our youth employed with real jobs. Not jobs to serve coffee and sell clothes to those who venture to the mall from Columbus. We need a mayor who will not devote an inordinate amount of time stopping the sprawl at the 407 and someone creating a new Northern Gateway to Oshawa so friends do not have to travel through the south to visit those who like to believe we do not exist. We have no southern gateway, but, creating a northern one is part of you vision. And, Nester Pidrebeckis I must add. He got all warm and fuzzy when he spoke of it. Is what I just wrote true. About as true as your absurd comment, but, just maybe. And, to be fair, I am not so sure Joe has wandered very far into the South End. Is there any mayoral candidate running who does not need a GPS to find the REAL Oshawa? Pie in the sky, like any good politician worth their salt. Chris Saksons Lets just say its possible, it would be stuck in red tape for years..... Chris Saksons the most fair comment on the thread. None of the candidates offer anything, so, I can live with pie, if anything, let the people of Oshawa eat pie. And, red tape for years that has always been Oshawas problem, and, only one candidate I know has said that they will deal with it, and, only one candidate, has the courage and nastiness to do just that. We need a bully and I do not care who that bully is, as long as they prove tome that they are tough enough to handle the job, and, handle the council they are given. Forget about who I may be working for, that is not an issue, seek out candidates we know will not just role over and have their bellies scratched while collecting a huge income. My decision is far from made, all levels, and, the final day, I will vote for those who prove that they are serious about change. And. I doubt it will be any from the past. Lets set the gate high, and, only let those with courage and vision through. Anything else, will see four more years of nothing. And, that is just my opinions; feel free to tell me I am nuts. Well I am. Because I dream in living ADHD. (Lastly, Joe, learn to be nice here, I have just spent 3 hours on this. And, people do you all realize that we just had an amazing dialog, we all learned from it, but, it was scarred by infighting. Lets please gt along and make my life a little easier)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:17:46 +0000

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