THIS IS NOT A LEGAL LAW!!! If all taxes must first begin in the - TopicsExpress


THIS IS NOT A LEGAL LAW!!! If all taxes must first begin in the House. Justice Robert, rule the Affordable Care Act is a tax. Article I, section 7 of the Constitution say that all bills that raise revenue must originate in the House? And didn’t Obama Care pass the Senate before it passed the House? And doesn’t that in turn mean that our new health care “tax” was passed according to unconstitutional procedures? Why is this not the reason the House will not fund Obama Care? The bill that Harry Reid attached the affordable care act was a tax credit bill, not a revenue generating bill Is there any Congressman or legal team to ask why this is not the conservative reason for not funding Obama Care, here is some additional information this should be enough to challenge Obama Care. A sloppy cover-up by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Now that the Supreme Court made healthcare constitutional by deeming it a tax, it mandated a House of Representative origin rather than the Senate. A House version HR 3200 was available but Reid did not like it favoring his own HR 3962, The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Choices Act. Prior to the Supreme Courts tax ruling the tax was called a fine, not a tax, so he reasoned that it did not make any difference which legislative body originated the fine. The ruling necessitated resurrecting a bill that had passed the House first but had not been acted upon in the Senate, the Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act of 2009 HR 3590, deleting its contents and pasting in the contents of the Senates bill HR 3962. The Home Ownership Tax Act was a tax providing a first time home buyer’s credit to members of the Armed Services, never mind that it had nothing to do with healthcare and now, after being deleted leaving only the empty shell, had nothing to do with the Armed Services or home buying either. The only thing that Reid kept was the original date, September 17, 2009, which now deceptively confirmed that it preceded Senate action. Accomplices to Reid were the original authors of the deleted bill: Congressman Charlie Rangel of NY, and Senator Clare McCaskill. Why is this not the reason republicans will not fund Obama Care?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:11:56 +0000

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