THIS IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK; THIS IS AN EXPRESSION OF TRUTH! TO ALL THOSE UNDER GNAC’S SPELL, The President has a criminal record and according to the CROWN law, no person with a criminal record can hold a position re: chairman of a government committee i.e. GNAC is a government committee under Native Title. The whole committee is not much better, but regardless of who is on the board and who runs it, it is a corporation of the CROWN. If they actually cared about the land why has GNAC done nothing to help in Warwick or to stop the destruction of Sacred Sites like the one at Cedar Point! Only the Githabul –Ngrakabul Council has shown its true colours and offered support. To support GNAC is only enabling a corporation under the CROWN to facilitate the illegal legitimise of this regime to continue, their goal is quite simple-promise the world and destroy the land for the CROWN’s gain. The Prescribed Body Corporate (GNAC) owns the land under MABO 1 and 2 and the CROWN owns GNAC they can place an administrator over the lands and have done all of Australia to facilitate miming companies etc. The CROWN breached the Native Title and ILUA by having lawyer’s to represent both parties "Unconscionable Contract", in reality both only had financial joinder to the CROWN .Also the CROWN abandoned it in the first place, the CROWN was informed of this fact in December 2011 and has been put on notice that their PBC (GNAC) no longer speaks for the Tribe but the Githabul-Ngarkabaul Tribal council speaks for the tribe and it has been made crystal clear that the Native Title and ILUA is dead. The Githabul-Ngarakabul Tribe are the SOVEREIGNS and the CROWN holds no jurisdiction over them, it won’t be long and this will all be proven either through the Privy Council or the U.N International Court of Justice. and On the 13th of February the fraudulent Australian Government were served with this notice of declaration by the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation (which the Githabul-Ngarkabul Tribal Council are part of). and ostf.weebly/ostf-declaration-of-sovereignty-and-nationhood.html The CROWN has also been put on notice regarding the fact that- Access to Githabul Land for the purposes of miming and or other acts of destruction is prohibited. Previous agreements made where done so without full disclosure and/or permission of the lawful land owners, the Githabul Tribe, and as such was gained fraudulently and so is null and void. All fraudulent contracts are to be settled with the individuals with whom contracts were made. This is not the concern of the Githabul Tribe nor the Motherlands of the Githabul people. By order of the Githabul Tribal Council. CSG is evil and will poison all lands, water, plants and animals that surround these wells. GNAC is quite happy to support the sale of Tribal lands for CSG and other types of mineral and petroleum extraction, so do you support them in this? To sign up to receive money because everyone else is doing it, is no excuse .If everyone jumped of a bridge would you? Think people, all the information in the world is out there. Don’t be Idle, Don’t believe the CROWN and its fraud DO stand up and assert Sovereignty! Bloodties and songlines to country through Girille and Yagoi prove total ownership of land. Their system is falling apart at the seams so why prop it up any longer. Taking the easy path only enables assimilation and loss of culture and identity. The CROWN and GNAC are the enemy, not friends, they wants this. Do you?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 23:35:45 +0000

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