THIS IS THE STORY “Come to the party David it`ll be fun” Greg - TopicsExpress


THIS IS THE STORY “Come to the party David it`ll be fun” Greg said as he pulled his friend towards his car. “ Ugh fine I`ll go for a little while I guess” said David as he got into the backseat of the car. Greg got in the car and drove to a large house As they went into the house David immediately felt on edge. Many of the people that would normally bully him were now being unusually friendly to him This is so unusual that he stays on edge throughout the time that he`s there. After a while he decides to find Greg to tell him he`s leaving. “ You can`t leave yet!” said Greg anxiously. But David ignores Greg`s plea and turns around to leave. As he turns he sees Becca. The girl he has loved since he was little; staring at him with a radiant smile. “ Awe leaving so soon that`s too bad I was hoping we could have some fun” she said as she put her arms around David`s waist. “ Well I guess I can stay a bit longer.” he said with a nervous smile. She led him upstairs to a bedroom. “ You go in the bathroom across the hall and change and I`ll get changed in here waiting for you”. David nodded and without another thought he went into the bathroom and locked the door. “ Could this really be happening… has she felt the same way about me all this time?” he thought to himself. He quickly undressed and cracked open the bathroom door to see if anyone was in the hall. The coast was clear so he quickly dashed across the hall but as he opened the door instead of a beautiful girl waiting for him he was greeted by flashes from cameras and insane hyena-like laughter. The flashes stopped and he could see Greg with two jocks and Becca standing there laughing at David`s naked body. “ Welcome to the team Greg this was priceless” said one of the jocks. David ran out of the room and into the bathroom and locked the door. As he got his clothes back on he didn`t know what to feel. He was betrayed ,enraged and humiliated. As everyone started banging on the door shouting insults at David through the door he was so ashamed he let out a single tear. As the tear dropped from his face to the floor something happened… BANG!!! The lights went out in the bathroom and from what was noisy before was now dead silent. David pulled out his phone for a light and cracked open the bathroom door. Nobody was there and it was dark in the hallway aswell. As he went down the stairs he looked in the kitchen. There was nobody there. It was when he went into the living room that he saw everyone who was downstairs on their knees staring in the middle of the living room where Becca , Greg and the two jocks were levitating in front of a dark figure. The figure had medium black hair with the bangs covering his eyes showing only his nose and mouth. “ Hello David… yes I know your name” David couldn`t move or speak it was like a force holding him in place. “ Look at these four, the two oafish bullies” He says as he grabs the two jocks necks SNAP!! “ The girl who broke your heart” SNAP!! “ And of course this special kind of monster. This was your friend and he betrayed you. An action that deserves a much harsher death” David stood in shock as he saw his friend get torn to shreds by this dark figure. The onlookers from the party had their mouths open as if they were screaming but no sound was coming out. After the figure was finished with Greg he walked towards David. He put his bloody hand on David`s shoulder. “ Your safe now. You don`t need to worry anymore, not about anything or anyone. “ he put his head next to David`s ear. “ I HEAR EVERYTHING” He whispered. And with that he shifted through the shadows and as the lights turned on finally he was gone. So were the bodies of Becca, the jocks, and the remains of Greg. 10 YEARS EARLIER I had just moved into town. Not knowing my surroundings I was very nervous of meeting new people. But then again I`ve always been a shy kid. Always sitting in the back of class trying not to bother anyone. But because I was so shy I connected with other shy people. And that`s how my story begins. I had become friends with this other shy boy named Bryan and he had invited me over to his house every day for lunch. But being shy I rejected the offer most of the time. But this one occasion I decided to go over to his house. When I got there I met another boy I had not met before. His name was Kurtis and he was a shy kid aswell. He barely introduced himself until about halfway through the lunch hour. It was at this point we started talking. We realized we had a mutual enjoyment for a nerdy card game. After I met Kurtis I decided to go to Bryan`s house every lunch hour to hang out with him. After a couple weeks Kurtis introduced me to a friend of his named Austin. Austin played this card game aswell and was even better than Kurtis After I met Austin he introduced me to another of Kurtis` friends named Kyle. Kyle was into the card game too but he also enjoyed being rebellious. It was at this point I realized if I hung out with Kyle then I could get in with some of the cool kids at school. After hanging out with Kyle he introduced me to a guy named Mitch. Mitch was the coolest guy I had met out of all of the others and I connected with him right away. One day Kurtis, Austin, Kyle, Mitch and I were all hanging out near my house. They all seemed like great friends. Austin was the youngest of the group who always wants to be the center of attention no matter what it is that he`s saying. Kyle would always argue with what Austin was saying just to bug him while Mitch just stood back and laughed at them while they argued mainly just talking to me about other things. Kurtis however was much different as much as I could read the others personality Kurtis seemed… observant… as if he was studying the group intently waiting for the perfect moment to speak. However whenever he did speak he would barely say anything noteworthy. This would continue for a couple months as I became more and more friendly with Austin, Kyle and Mitch. One day we were at my house and we came up to the conversation of Kurtis and how he doesn`t talk when he`s with all of us. I still remember the names they called him. They went from things as innocent as him being kinda creepy to escalating to calling him things like fag and retard. I didn`t insult Kurtis but I didn`t defend him either. As they were saying these insulting things I heard some creeking on the stairs but noticed my cat was missing from where she usually was and assumed she went upstairs. The three of them decided to play a prank on Kurtis. They were going to make him talk for once and as I listened to them I realized how harsh this prank was. Their plan was to basically just mug him. They planned to dress up in hoodies and masks and jump him with knives to get a reaction out of him. They asked me to help but I couldn`t do it. Kurtis was my friend and I wasn`t about to betray him like that. They called me a wimp and other such insults but I stuck to my statement and they eventually let me stay out of it. The day of the “prank” I was at home playing video games when I got a phone call from Mitch. “ OH GOD Colton WHAT HAVE WE DONE!!!” Mitch exclaimed as I answered the phone. “ What happened?” I asked. Mitch tells me that when he went to prank Kurtis he was already crying before they showed themselves. Mitch didn`t go in but Austin and Kyle didn`t care. They ran over to Kurtis and put their knives over his neck. Before they could even say give me your money Kurtis let out a scream of anguish. He grabbed the arms of Austin and Kyle and overpowered them as he pushed them off him Austin ran back in to attack again. Kurtis saw this and kicked Austin. As Austin flew back his mask came off and his knife dropped right next to Kurtis. “ Austin… why?” It was at this point Mitch emerged from the bush he was hiding in and Kyle took off his mask. “ Guys I know I`m quiet sometimes and it kinda creeps you out. But that`s no excuse for calling me such harsh names as you were calling me yesterday and then trying to mug me! Why would you do this?!” Kurtis said with tears rolling down his face. But before they could answer he grabbed the knife Austin had dropped and ran away crying heavily into a nearby forest. As Mitch told me this story my hands shook furiously almost making me drop the phone and when he told me what Kurtis had said I realized exactly what he meant. It wasn`t my cat making the stairs creak that day… it was him… he must have come over to hang out with the rest of us but then heard us talking about him so he just sat there listening to us. I asked Mitch if they ran after him… they did. What they saw next was Kurtis` body laying on the ground of the forest with a pool of blood around him still expanding out. Mitch turned the body over to see his face. It was drenched in blood and the knife he had taken from Austin was now plunged into his neck and ripped across it. I hung up the phone and rushed to the area they had planned to prank him at. By the time I got there the emergency workers were hauling away a gurney with a blood soaked blanket covering Kurtis` corpse. The police kept Mitch in jail for a day because they found his fingerprints on Kurtis` body. They let him go once they found out for sure it was a suicide. The night after Kurtis` funeral is when the nightmares started. When I turned off my light to go to sleep I saw Kurtis sitting in the chair next to my bed. I screamed and turned the light back on… nothing was there. I turned my light back off looking at the chair he was sitting in as I did it. But when I turned the light off he wasn`t there. With a sigh of relief that maybe I was just seeing things I went to bed. That night I had a dream I was in the forest that Kurtis died in. That`s when I saw him again although he didn`t look the same as he always did. His hair once brown was now jet black and his bangs were covering his eyes completely. He walked toward me and since I was in a dream I was unable to move. He didn`t say a word he just handed me a card like one from the card game we play. Now able to move my arm I turned the card to look at what it was and to my horror I saw the picture of the card was a picture of Austin. As I read the text of the card the words became audible. I HEAR EVERYTHING! I quickly woke up from my nightmare. I looked at the clock… it was almost time for school. I got dressed ate some breakfast and went to school. At lunch time I met up with Kyle and Mitch to hang out but Austin wasn`t at school. During the lunch hour the three of us got called down to the office. They told us that Austin died from kidney failure. I was so sad having now lost two of my close friends but my mind had other things to deal with. Could Kurtis have something to do with Austin`s death? I told Kyle and Mitch about my nightmare and at the time they mocked me and said I was crazy to even think like that. That night I had the same dream except this time on the card was Kyle. The text was the same though. I HEAR EVERYTHING! I woke up again this time immediately calling Kyle`s house to see if he was okay. His mom answered the phone. I asked her if I could talk to Kyle. She said he hasn`t come out of the shower yet and she`d make sure he called me when he got out. I walked to school clutching my phone the whole way making sure I didn`t miss his call but he never did. I was worried all morning thinking that maybe something happened to him. When it came to lunch time I went to the groups usual hangout spot hoping to see Mitch and Kyle. But only Mitch was there. I stopped where I was realizing that this would probably be the last day I would get to see him. As we get called to the office I try to tell Mitch about the nightmare I had that night and that Kyle is probably dead. He still didn`t believe me that is until we got to the office. The principal told us that Kyle slipped in the shower and broke his neck and it was at this point Mitch started to believe me. “ I don`t like this Colton you have to help me I know I`m next please just protect me.” Said Mitch as he started pacing back and forth. I started thinking of some way to help Mitch and after school it just came to me. I asked Mitch if he wanted to stay at my house tonight so that at least I could be able to protect him. He agreed this would be a good idea and came over to my house. As night came we tried staying up for as long as we could to avoid sleeping. I think it was around 5:00 that we finally fell asleep. As it was the two times before I was in the forest where Kurtis died but something was different. In replace of Kurtis there was a T.V. and I could actually move towards it. I turned on the T.V. and I saw my own sleeping body with Mitch sleeping on the couch across from me. I watched in horror as I saw my own body get up, go to the kitchen and grab a large knife. As my body walked back into the living room I watched in horror as I plunged the knife into the side of Mitch`s neck and drove it right across. As Mitch died I could see the look on his face. I`ll never forget it. Once Mitch had died the T.V. cut to static. It was at this point I could feel Kurtis` presence. “ Hello Colton “ I tried to move but I couldn`t I was frozen in place once again.” Don`t worry I`m not going to kill you. You will suffer in a different way. But before I give you your punishment I want you to see what I`ve seen, feel what I`ve felt and hear what I`ve heard.” The T.V. turned back on showing a first person view of what I can only assume now is Kurtis` life. The first thing I saw was a man beating up Kurtis` mother and as the view got closer and closer I realized Kurtis running at this man. As he tackled the man to the ground I saw fists flying. Some of them hitting the screen I was looking on and every time it did a piece of glass flew at my face injuring me. But even while this happened the picture continued now showing the view from the ground with the man on top laying blow after blow. As the camera turned to look at Kurtis` mother all she did was stare for a second until she got up and ran away from the situation. As the picture cut to black I could hear a conversation. From the sounds of the voices I recognized them as Kurtis` mother and the man who I now realized was Kurtis` step-dad. Step-dad: Stupid kid always getting in the way of things doesn`t he know to mind his own business. Mom: Just leave him alone he doesn`t know any better Step-dad: Well isn`t that your job! You`re his mother shouldn`t you have taught him morals and how to do things properly. Mom: I doubt it would have helped. I figured he would just find out how to do stuff on his own. He doesn`t talk anyway so what good is there to try and connect with the kid. Step-dad: Whatever but if he stops me again I`m kicking him out I don`t care if he is your son. Mom: I`ll talk to him tonight The T.V. turned back on to show the same first person view now in Kurtis` room packing a bag. It quickly flashed to a new shot of him walking towards my house. As my mom let him in and he started going down the stairs I heard the conversation that I was already expecting as I listened to the barrage of insults towards Kurtis I felt exactly as Kurtis did and I couldn`t help but start sobbing. As I watched him leave I saw what happened after he left. He was just walking… and walking. Until eventually he came to a forest near his house and he just sat on a log until morning came. As he walked towards my house again to try and talk to me that`s when Austin and Kyle jumped him. And it`s then that the screen turned off. My body involuntarily turned around to face Kurtis and it was at this point I noticed the scar across his neck. “ I had nothing in the world to live for except for my so called friends. When they betrayed me I realized there was nothing else to live for and if I couldn`t live neither could they. You were the only one who didn`t say anything bad about me. But also you didn`t say anything good about me. You didn`t defend me at all so that means you`re just as bad as them. But as I said before I`m not going to kill you. Instead I`m going to take your voice! And now that your voice is gone you will be the one to see my work unfold. There are more people in this world like me. Awkward, shy and as you would put it …creepy. They are the people I care about now. And I will do everything in my infinite power to help them. And you will live on as a witness to my great work. I will leave you know but don`t think I`m done with you... no. When it`s your time to die I`ll be back for you. And Colton just remember this for the rest of your life” he put his head next to my ear “ I HEAR EVERYTHING” I woke up from my nightmare covered in the blood of my best friend. I looked up to see my mother and three policeman staring at me. I tried to explain what happened but no sound came out of my mouth. As they hauled me away to jail I blacked out… or at least that`s what I thought. A vision of Kurtis appeared as he started ripping a group of girls to shreds while one of the uglier girls watched. I realized now what Kurtis meant when he said I`d be a witness to his work. I have been cursed to see all the people Kurtis helps and all the people Kurtis kills. This has driven me insane for many years and I`ve gotten used to it by now but I will never forget the 10 years I spent in that insane asylum. All I can say now is that if anyone is feeling unwanted or they feel like nobody understands them just remember one thing. You… are the children… of The Shunned
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 14:39:17 +0000

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