THIS IS TO ALL THE PEOPLE OUT THERE WHO THINK THEY KNOW ME AND LIKE TO VOICE THEIR OPINION (HATERS) Sorry ITS long but IM SICK OF PEOPLE VOICING WHATEVER THEY THINK THEY CAN ON MY PERSONAL PAGE . This is my personal page as you see before my videos went viral this has all my pregnancy photos on it ,birthdays , families , friends, etc. My videos only got put up bc the ladies in my class asked me to so they could practice the choreography . Not ever thinking anyone would even see them when I put them up there my life changed instantly. In the first week I had so many friend request that it made it to where I couldnt accept anymore and people started following me ( I still hadnt made a FAN PAGE ) The next week is when I made the Fan Page bc I was very shocked about the situation and having crazy emails sent to me so I didnt want some to see what I posted . I made the Fan page the first week of February that way crap like this wouldnt happen for posting stuff like a normal person and what everyone does on Facebook . Im sorry if you havent found out by now IM one of the most realest people youll make and Im the same person 24/7. Thats why my videos I post arent professional type bc I want to show people Im just a normal person and anyone can workout starting at any fitness level . I have been teaching my class for over 3 1/2 years and the first 1 1/2 years I didnt make a dime and donated all to the church where Im at . I have given 100s of women free classes . About 30 of them I gave them almost a year for free for their amazing transformation they did with dedicating themselves to working out and changing their lives . This past February after the Fan Page hit almost 50,000 likes in about 1 week I had tons of people asking if I would sell a dvd . Me being the person I am I thought that was crazy lol well that week my producer called me and I signed a contract. He flew me out that week to do my photo shoot and then we filmed the dvd one month later. In that time I put up almost 50 free videos knowing we were making a dvd just bc I care more about someones health than the amount of money in my bank account. Well since that has happened I have lost more than half of my students in my class bc now they decide to just do it for free at home , my rent went up , and have spent thousands of dollars in lawyer fees bc of all of this happening . BTW I make less than what I would get off one person coming to my class for the dvd sales for people that I have seen post crap about me and what they think they know. Even after having emails sent and could be sued for the FREE videos up bc of copy writes Im risking it bc I believe with my heart its helping changing peoples lives. I am taking back my BMW bc I would rather use that money on a house . which the Escalade is less than half the amount of what the BMW was and its used and a couple of years old. OH yeah about that (to all my haters ) did you ever once think that maybe my dad could own a real estate business or is a real estate agent and can help me with finding the best deal possible .....hmmmm just maybe . one more thing if I was as greedy as you think I am I wouldnt have went to an event for FREE to teach a class and help out kids . also I now teach a boot camp class (after all this happened ) to raise money for our church ..... i do not make a dime from it. But I really didnt have to tell anyone any of this but this way at least Im sticking up for myself and setting the records strait . So its simple . Im going to continue and be the real self that I am . People either hate me or love me but nothing will change me . So if you dont like seeing what is going on in my life and everything I post ( just like a normal personal does on Facebook and doesnt have a manager like most bc I want this page to stay 100% me ) and just want to continue doing my FREE videos then just look on YOUTUBE and Fan Page . OH yeah my live streaming is about to start as well and NO I WONT BE TAKING THE FREE VIDEOS DOWN ...... just incase you were going to assume otherwise.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 02:47:48 +0000

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