THIS PIECE IS DEDICATED TO THE COUPLE OF THE MOMENT SHERIFF & VIVIENNE (SHORT LOVE STORY) The Defendant walked into the courtroom with all the grace of a pretty woman. She smiled! Something just wasn’t right. How could she be smiling so sweetly with this damnable charge against her? And how could such a masterpiece, a bastion of beauty steal ? Something just wasn’t right! The prosecutor shot up from his seat and walked towards the Defendant as if propelled by a trigger. There was an abrupt frightening quietude hanging around the courtroom like an impending looming danger. Everyone expected the prosecutor to hit the Defendant. He did not. Instead they kissed, hugged and clung unto each other as if they were the only ones in existence. The court clerk’s eyes bulged out in confusion and disbelieve. The judge cleared his throat with a forged cough for the umpteenth time, wondering whether or not to hold them both for contempt. They separated, albeit reluctantly. The judge knitted his brows in worry. If parties to cases will be putting up such attitude he would soon be out of job and back to the labor market. He cleared his throat once again more determined to go through this madness. “May, we hear the Prosecution’s case” said the judge. “My lord, started the prosecutor, the Defendant stole my heart with the intent to keep it permanently”. The judge sighed annoyingly. How could anyone complain of such a beauty stealing from him?he thought. He was tempted to ask the Defendant to return the prosecutor’s heart and steal his instead; he would have gladly given his heart, kidney and lungs to this goddess. The judge turned to the Defendant “Are you guilty or not guilty”?. “I am guilty my Lord” replied the Defendant with a titillating musical voice that could make nightingale go green with envy. “Now prosecutor” said the judge “do you want your heart back” “Not at all my Lord” replied the prosecutor. The judge almost cried out in frustration, then what the hell is he complaining about?. He’s being a judge of repute from 25 years now and no case no matter how weird has stunned him as much as this. Again, he adjusted his worrisome bulk on his seat more determined to go through this madness”Prosecutor what do you really want this court to do for you ? “My lord, I want this court to compel the Defendant to keep my heart, to tend it, to nourish it, to protect it and to love it.. The Judge adjusted his bulk as he read: THE JUDGEMENT: Love is the greatest gift of God to mankind. Its one of the greatest attributes of God and the source of grace which illuminates the world. His covenant with man centres only on love, i.e. love God and love your neigbhour. Every other obligation flows from love. Love is Life. Today I celebrate the union of a friend, an ex-commando, the SHERIFF who has always been in town & in charge & another friend also an ex-commando/ex-malabress VIVIENNE. SHERIFF has found a wife in VIVIENNE; goodness & mercy shall follow them all the days of their lives. They shall obtain uncommon favors from the Almighty God. They shall prosper in every aspect of their marital life in the precious name of Jesus. Happy married life!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 10:26:09 +0000

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