THIS SOFTWARE IS TOUTED AS THE NEXT STEP IN “PREDICTIVE POLICING.’ I DON’T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I SAY NO THANKS! This is just one more in a long list of progressive endorsed “tools” that operate to serve ONE purpose: CONTROL! Within this article, the author sites the two largest drawbacks to this HIGHLY INVASIVE police “TOOL.” The first is what the author refers to as INNUMERABLE STORIES OF POLICE OVERREACTING to social media posts, and then it goes a step further to say the MOST SHOCKING stories revolve around people “BEING HARASSED FOR SHARING STRONG POLITICAL OPINIONS.” CARE TO GUESS WHAT PASSES AS “STRONG POLITICAL OPINIONS?” LET ME TAKE A STAB AT A FEW IDEAS: I’m willing to bet the words, “Patriot,” “Constitution,” “Rule of Law,” “Republic, ” “Free Markets,” and “Capitalism” are HIGHLY frowned upon. The mere mention of “Individual Rights,” “Liberty,” or “Freedom” are likely seen as “Radical,” just like “Right to Life” is “Radical.” If the software finds references to Jesus anywhere, you may as well cuff yourself on the spot… yet someone who’s social media might be littered with “Pro-Choice” material will be glossed over despite their strong support for the process of smashing an unborn human baby’s skull in and then vacuuming out the brains. Somehow THAT is viewed as “Mainstream,” or considered “Normal” but those who trust in the rule of law, or God’s law are somehow barbaric? THESE TOOLS SHOULD BE OUTLAWED AT ONCE! THEY AREN’T EVEN “WORK-AROUNDS” FOR THE 4TH AMENDMENT… BECAUSE THEY JUST STEAMROLL RIGHT OVER YOUR RIGHTS! Read on...
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:30:00 +0000

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