THREE YEARS IN MIND OF LATE ONWUCHEKWE AUGUSTINE AFAMEFUNA (UDO-AKPU ENYI). 1st October, 2011 will always remain green in my memory. Not because of its distinguished position in Nigerias archives, rather because its d day i lost one of my earthly sense of pride! As a tender youth Uncle, u gave me the protection i needed and was ready to lend a listening ear to my lifes challenges. For three years ive felt ur demise yet, ironically, i fail to believe ure dead. D more i think of u, d more i miss u terribly! Irrespective of ur extra-ordinary nature endowments, u never intimidated people. Your death taught me great moral lessons...above all, i have learnt that: 1. Death is not a respecter of man, irrespective of ur bravity, height and all physical endowments. 2. Death is a necessary end that must come when it wishes even in great moments of comfort devoid of any health challenge. 3. Death actually visits like a thief without any pre-information. 4. Serious sicknesses most times doesnt kill except if one has been destined to die through dat. 5. The rightous dies early. With your death, d earth lost a brave genuis while heaven gained a warrior! D earth got bereaved and heaven gained a soul! D earth mourns while heaven rejoices! ADIEU UNCLE AUGUSTINE ADIEU AFAM ADIEU UDO-AKPU ENYI CONTINUE RESTING IN D LORD TILL WE MEET TO PART NO MORE, AMEN. Eternal rest unto his soul i pray Thee oh! Lord, Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 20:04:05 +0000

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