THROUGH THE FIRE TO FREEDOM: RESCUING THE REAL YOU! DEAR FRIENDS- As I look back at my lifes journey, I see that the meaning of all I have suffered, all I have experienced, lay in my Real Selfs unstoppable drive toward freedom and love. To reclaim the innate joy of total self-connection, coming radiantly alive, beyond all prisons imposed by family, religion, society - outgrowing the chains of history in every conceivable way. The sacred quest to validate everything I am and open my heart, my body, my spirit to myself and the world through the connecting power of love. I see now that the joy of total self-acceptance can only be gained when one is utterly committed to feeling and releasing ones pain. It is our deadening disconnection from our pain - sorrow, anger, fear, guilt, shame - which closes our hearts and blocks the flow of the life-force through our bodies and spirits. If you are avoiding the emotional pain that is stored-up inside, you are rejecting your own Authentic Self. And the result is a swelling of the ego, an investment in an image, in wearing a mask - rather than the grounding, vital and joyful connection to the Real You. History is full of examples of gurus and disciples - of all practices and religions - who were driven to unhappiness and destructive behavior due to unacknowledged childhood suffering that they could not face. Indeed it was their doctrines and traditions- which taught that they could reach true inner freedom without dealing with their childhood wounds- that kept them trapped in conditioning which was destructive to self and others. Are your spiritual practices- yoga, meditation, prayer, religious precepts and beliefs - getting you high and above the emotional hurt stored deep in your body and spirit? Or are you using your practices - whatever they may be - to compassionately strip off the mask and feel your pain in order to release it? If your spiritual path isnt helping you to feel and release the pain from your childhood more and more deeply it is incomplete at best or illusory in some way. Try to understand that you cannot stretch, meditate, pray or think your way out of energy blocks that exist due to suppressed emotions! Your unhealed feelings must be felt, and be given their full and free expression, to be permanently released from your body, mind and spirit. Here is the naked and liberating truth that no teaching of the past has made clear. To restore your natural capacity for happiness- to be joyfully alive and completely free- you must run with open arms and heart to the Wounded Child inside you! Just as a loving and devoted Mother would never abandon her sick and frightened child- neither must we abandon the pain inside our precious selves. And the more you let go of the fortress of your mind- all the thinking and beliefs that tell you this isnt necessary- opening your heart and reconnecting to your body, the more you realize that this is true! The inextinguishable fire of radical self-acceptance awakens us beyond the mask and bravely embraces the search for where we are blocked due to our suppressed painful feelings. With utter self-compassion, fearless self-acceptance, complete inner freedom- and Unconditional Self-Love. I swear to you that the more you arise to this heroic and loving challenge- to walk through the fire and rescue the Real You- the more you will reclaim the birthright of joyful aliveness and daily happiness you have always longed for. And which you utterly deserve! LOTS OF LOVE- BRIAN
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:42:14 +0000

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