THURSDAY 3RD APRIL LIVE WITH ETERNITY IN VIEW “For our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look for the saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20 Child of God, your citizenship and ultimate destination is heaven. You must understand that destination determines preparation. The level of preparation you will undertake when going to Abuja differs from the one you make if you are to go to London. Generally, where you will spend less time, you give less attention, but where you will spend more time, you give more attention. This world we live in has a duration. Our earthly life has a span while eternity is endless. Since this is the case, it means that we should give eternity more attention. Living with eternity in view puts life in proper order. Our life should not conform to this world. Don’t behave as the world would because you are not of the world. Let our conversation and manner of life be the one that is driven by eternity in view. When heaven is your priority, purity on earth will no longer be a battle. When you live with hope beyond the scope of human existence, it sharpens your character. You should be careful about how you live while in this world, and what you say or do. God is looking beyond the duration of your stay on earth. He is rather looking at what you do with your life in this world because that would determine what eternity would be for you. Therefore, look beyond this world. WORD OF PRAYER:- Lord, help me to be live my life with eternity in view in Jesus’ name, Amen QUOTE:- Show me a man who has eternity in view and I will show you a man who no longer battles with purity or holiness.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 04:05:03 +0000

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