THURSDAY 6TH JUNE 2013 EXUDE MORE GRATITUDE “O give thanks - TopicsExpress


THURSDAY 6TH JUNE 2013 EXUDE MORE GRATITUDE “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalm 136:1) One of the reasons certain people remain in an unpleasant condition for a long time is because of an ungrateful attitude. They could be ungrateful to their spouse, parents, or even to those who invest the most efforts in improving their health or condition. Ingratitude is devilish. God detests it. It’s a deadly pill that inhibits every good that comes to ones life. You must learn not to permit it in your life. Never take for granted all those who make efforts to bless or help you. Never trivialize the genuine love, concern and sacrifices made by those closest to you, your family, or even those unknown to you. Learn to say a hearty “thank you” with a smile to anyone who does you good. This is more than being polite; it is for your personal good. The more grateful you are, the better your life becomes. If you were in a hospital, you should exude gratitude to the doctors or nurses who are working on your case or even to the person who has been there to take care of you. God loves grateful people. Everyday, give credit to someone who did something for you and thank him or her for it and you would live a happier and healthier life for that. Your greatest thanks should always be to the Lord for His mercies upon your life. The fact that you are alive means His mercies preserved you. He is a good God, so thank Him today because He is turning your life around for the best. STUDY Psalm 103:2-3 BIBLE IN A YEAR: Proverbs 2-3 PROCLAMATION: Dear Father in the Name of Jesus, I thank you today for all your love, mercies and blessings upon my life. Thank you for preserving my life in health, and thank you for all those whom you’ve used to bless and help me. I’m so grateful to you, because you are so good to me and your mercies endure forever. Amen. RHEMA DAILIES.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 21:09:07 +0000

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