THURSDAY TEMPO BY JULIUS MUTHONI THE RACE OF LIFE Life encompasses great aspects that contribute to the overall success of a person. Inclusive, are its own challenges that play a great role in laying one’s foundation; acting as a stepping stone to better grounds, victorious moments as well as general interaction with people. Life is what you make of it. You do not actually attract what you want but all that you are. Within yourself is the power to do things you never dreamt possible. This power only becomes available to you just as soon as you change your beliefs. Life is a race that everyone is compelled to take part in. Many hurdles will come in your way. There will be many false starts but you should be careful lest you be left behind. Many are the laps you will succeed at, while at others, you may fail. You should never be discouraged; bear with all realizing that success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm. Failure does not mean you have gained nothing but it means you have learnt something. It does not mean you are a fool but only means you’re not perfect. You should always look back and be happy about your triumphant moments without rejoicing so much about your success but letting your failure motivate you to do better. Do not allow your past triumphs to hinder you from other triumphs or failures to deter you in the race. You will meet people who will need your help; do not ignore them, help them. Winners never quit; do not give up. The jackpot might be very close when it seems very far. The high heights reached by great men were not because of a sudden flight but while their companions slept, they were toiling tirelessly up in the night. It is time you became your own self. Destiny is never a matter of chance but a matter of choice. It is the choices we make that determine the direction we sail towards. Never anchor. Be wise! Run the good race; achieve greatness. Have the will to win, the desire to succeed, and the urge to unlock your potential. Wishing you all, a good day. From Julius Muthoni
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 09:30:00 +0000

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