TIME MANAGEMENT Sometimes it seems like we have more than we can - TopicsExpress


TIME MANAGEMENT Sometimes it seems like we have more than we can do even if we were cloned and there were two of us. How does that happen? I wonder how many times I have said “if I just had more time." Wouldn’t that be great? I could sleep in – watch an extra T.V. program or maybe even work at a little slower pace – but how would that solve my problem? IT WOULDN’T! Let’s suppose that you had an extra hour a day and let’s assume that your problem is in time management. Twenty five hours a day won’t solve a thing if you don’t deal with the problem. Effective use of your time is the rule for results. Most days are measured by what we have accomplished. When we don’t get anything done we wonder where in the world did this day go? Most of us are unwilling to admit that we are poor time managers but upon examination we find that not only are we poor managers but we actually do not have a plan in place to require results. Little is accomplished when we allocate the things that need to be done to our spare time. I don’t know if you noticed but you don’t have any spare time. Every spare minute is accounted for – especially when you aren’t counting. The Bible says that there will come a time when God shall declare that “time shall be no more”. That has to be one of the key ingredients of heaven. But until then we must admit that time is even more of a commodity than money. Some have declared that time is money. I guess they did that in order to give time a monetary value. But time has no value as long as all we do is spend it. To be of any value we must invest it. On an average, Americans spend nine-tenths of one hour per week, about fifty-four minutes, on religious activities. Compare this to fifteen hours a week that are spent watching television. R.O.I. (Return on investment) requires an investment. What does your portfolio look like?
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 20:50:16 +0000

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