TIP OF THE DAY: CHECK THE PRESSURE AND HARDNESS OF YOUR WATER. Long-term stress on pipes can result in plumbing leak. Replacing plumbing in an average home is an expensive proposition, often costing tens of thousands of dollars. Instead, preserve the integrity of pipes and avoid plumbing leaks by checking water pressure and installing a water softener. REDUCE WATER PRESSURE TO PREVENT PLUMBING LEAKS As nice as high water pressure can be when you’re taking a shower or filling a stockpot, it stresses your pipes, and can potentially increase the likelihood of a plumbing leak. “That drastically reduces the life of your plumbing,” says a local plumber. “It makes your pipe joints, faucets, and appliance valves work harder.” You can measure your water pressure with a hose bib gauge, available at the hardware store for under $10. Attach it to an outside spigot and open the line. Normal pressure will register between 40 and 85 psi. If it’s above that range, consider hiring a plumber to install a pressure reducer (around $400). By the way, you won’t reduce pressure by installing a low-flow shower head, that only affects the amount of water coming out of that specific shower head itself. SOFTEN WATER TO REDUCE STRESS ON PLUMBING If your water has a high mineral content—known as hard water—it can shorten the lifespan of your home’s pipes, resulting in plumbing leaks. Those naturally occurring minerals, usually magnesium or calcium, build up inside pipes and restrict flow, increasing the pressure. Plus, hard water can corrode joints and fittings. Although hard water can occur anywhere, it’s is common in the Northeast part of the country. A white buildup on showerheads and faucets is a telltale sign of hard water. If your house receives municipal water service, you can easily find out how hard it is. By law, every municipality must file an annual water quality report with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If you have a well, you can have your water tested. Anything over 140 parts per million is considered hard water. The only way to effectively deal with hard water is by installing a water softener. Most use sodium to counteract the minerals in your water, but new electronic softeners use electromagnetic pulses to dissolve minerals, and have the advantage of not adding sodium to your water. You may need a plumber to install a traditional, sodium-based softener, for $500 to $2,500 in an average-size home. Electronic units start below $150, and because the pipes don’t have to be opened up, you can install one yourself. ift.tt/19ke2xa
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 16:00:38 +0000

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