TIPS FOR FACEBOOK RESPONSES FOR BEGINNERS The unspoken of, tongue-in-cheek, but understood and followed guidelines of all Facebook users. OK, youre on Facebook and want to send a message. Like - The most common way to express oneself to a Facebook post is to Like the response. This is most usually done with pictures. Like is not really committing to someone, just acknowledging the. Respond in writing - If you really like something, you should respond to it favorably. If youre really in disagreement and want everyone to know you disagree, you may enter a rebuke, begin a debate (all debates begin with a response and not the first post,) or you can scream with words. Ignore - This is what you do if you dont have the time for such trivial pursuits or you want to let your friend know they do not merit your response. Hide - You need to build up your number of friends so you dont want to defriend one of them. Hide is a neat way of saying, You are an embarrassment. I cant afford to lose a friend on here, but I would never want my other friends to know that I know you. Block - Block is when you are so mad you want them to know that they have no right to see what color of nails you painted on today or how upset you are that Sister Sally was meddling again at church. Defriend - This is the nuke option. It is an easy way to say, with just a couple of clicks, I hate you and never want to see your ugly face again! Some people use it to screen out contacts that they just dont want to bother with, like Saddam Husseins great-nephew. Hes is so distance to your interests. Why would you want go worry about him? So, Facebook is sort of like a thermometer. Love is cool, but the farther it gets from cool the hotter it gets. - CMH
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 11:45:10 +0000

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