TO KABETE GOONS Goons You think You are poor? You are not. But - TopicsExpress


TO KABETE GOONS Goons You think You are poor? You are not. But I can bet on the fact that you are very thick.Some of us come from more humble backgrounds than you. The last time our parents paid our fees was in high school.We are more independent inside the university than You can imagine.And its because we utilize the little brain we have. Yeah, People are on long vacation and you dude, Has nothing concrete to do in school.. Just whipping people?? Because they dont have money to give you? Or what exactly?? You are a man from a humble background like I? but you still call your mother at home to send you 300 sh when life pushes You to the coner. Dude, What will she give out to Wale wa mama wa Chama when in real sense she really has to pay them ?? You are doing all these just because you came to the University?? And found existence of something called goonism ?? Unapiga Mathee tension And you still share that crapy story with people.. Seriously?? When Nyasimi Nahason pays me a visit its because He is a long time friend and A UoN student, Even After coming to the conclusion That he is the Kikuyu Campus UNESA,Why must he give you money? And not me? The culture In Kabete Is, soon after goons have set a glance on a famous stranger, they start whispering in group on how much tax the stranger should pay..You stone The Vehicles of comrades parents and Relatives, Because they no Money for you. Who are you?? You are so thick.Thick Because, You collect some insignificant amount of money from people,Instead of using it wisely, You go for the deadly meakins..So After you have started singing You still have the audacity of banging a comrades door demanding for some food?? How shameless are you?? You are both shameless and thick.. And above all You are a boyfriend to a lady?? Oh ladies.. I personally dont think If I will ever need a goon to protect me. These are betrayers who turn against their closest friends and confidantes. Am from your campus, We even make stories and dine together, But you still admit that you would slit through my throat If someone(Whom I dont want to mention) offered you 1000 bob?? Why do I need you?? As thick as you are??? Mimi mumeniharibia moods. haki... You are not important humans than other students..
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 05:23:52 +0000

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