TO THOSE CONCERNED WITH VIOLENT RIOTS: It is bothersome that you - TopicsExpress


TO THOSE CONCERNED WITH VIOLENT RIOTS: It is bothersome that you continue to bring up violence and rioting yet fail to acknowledge the fault of the system that has caused this behavior to exist. It is bothersome that you have issues with Blacks standing up for themselves yet say nothing when Non Blacks, Specifically Whites do the same thing. It is bothersome and alarming that you use some broken glass and spilled chips to justify the harassment and execution of young a Black man. It is bothersome that you are refusing to acknowledge that this is not just about Michael Brown Jr.; and you refuse to admit the sick reality that it is an all too common practice for WHITE COPS TO SHOOT UNARMED BLACK MEN AND THEN GET AWAY WITH IT. It is bothersome that YOUR ARE IGNORING THAT BLACK PEOPLE HAVE DEALT WITH RACISM FROM WHITE PEOPLE FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS!!!! Likely longer than many of your families have even been in this country. This is what your precious news media (especially CNN/Fox News) is FAILING to present to you. Another young Black Man was shot and killed LAST NIGHT in Ferguson. 20 year old DeAndre Joshua was shot just a block away from where Michael Brown Jr. was shot and killed. Also Michael Brown Sr. (the father) had his churched burned down! White Cop kills Black Teen and no legal action is taken. The KKK shows up and there is no police presence. Black people organize and we see a massive militarized police presence that attacks the people. At the same time the mainstream media begins to demonize the victims and spew hateful misinformation. You eat it up. The cops are racist. The system is racist. YOU ARE LIKELY RACIST. You may not even realize it. Maybe not, but you certainly harbor some deep seeded resentment towards Blacks and you are definitely standing up for White Supremacy. Think about what you are saying. Actually research all the facts before you post some inflammatory meme. We are at war. We are being killed. Our Government is ignoring us. This is why every once in a while amidst PEACEFUL protest there may be some broken glass, spilled chips and a police car that gets set on fire. If this country wants to use our lives as commerce then thats the cost of doing business. The fact that some of you care about commercial establishments and manufactured products more than human life is disgusting. If you think Im talking to you I probably am. And please know this, I believe that more good can come from us standing united against oppression. I believe we need each other. I would rather we stand together. If you truly wanted to stop seeing people die and stop seeing businesses destroyed you would stand united with us against oppression and march towards that better future. If you continue to post and spread misinformation and you are acting as an agent of my enemy... In short that makes you my enemy. I rather it not be that way. I hope you wake up soon. I hope you pull the wool from over you eyes and see this country for what it truly is. I hope you realize that YOU TOO are being oppressed. Here is the proof: usatoday/story/news/nation/2014/11/25/man-shot-burned-amid-ferguson-violence/70096226/ nbcnews/storyline/michael-brown-shooting/feds-probing-arson-michael-brown-sr-s-church-n255961
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:16:16 +0000

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