TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON from Gene McVay: Chairman Mao ruled - TopicsExpress


TODAY’S HISTORY LESSON from Gene McVay: Chairman Mao ruled China for more than 30 years. During his last ten years, China went through what Mao called a Cultural Revolution (1966–76) because he was concerned that those in power were becoming estranged from the people they were supposed to serve. Mao believed that a revolution of culture would unseat and unsettle the ruling class and keep China in a state of perpetual revolution that, theoretically, would serve the interests of the majority, instead of a tiny elite. Before the Cultural Revolution, Mao had led an economic and social campaign he called, [are you ready for this?] “The Great Leap Forward” or, in Chinese: 大躍進. The campaign was aimed at rapidly transforming the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through rapid industrialization and collectivization. The campaign caused the Great Chinese Famine. [have you stocked up on food?] During the Cultural Revolution four people became prominent and were subsequently called “the gang of four.” The members consisted of Mao Zedongs last wife Jiang Qing, the leading figure of the group, and her close associates Zhang Chunqiao, Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen. This group ruled China as Mao suffered from numerous illnesses including Parkinson’s disease. It is unclear how much of their direction came from Mao. Believing that certain liberal bourgeois elements of society continued to threaten the socialist framework, groups of young people known as the Red Guards struggled against authorities at all levels of society and even set up their own tribunals. [Bourgeois simply means the “middle class.” Have you noticed that Obama is always talking about strengthening the middle class while destroying the middle class? In the New World Order, there is no middle class, only rulers and servants.] Chaos reigned in much of the nation, and millions were persecuted. During the Cultural Revolution, the schools in China were closed and the young intellectuals living in cities were ordered to the countryside to be re-educated by the peasants, where they performed hard manual labor and other work. [The manual labor has not begun in the US yet and instead of closing government schools, to keep unionized teachers on the taxpayer’s dole, they just instituted Common Core.] The Revolution led to the destruction of much of Chinas traditional cultural heritage and the imprisonment of a huge number of Chinese citizens, as well as creating general economic and social chaos in the country. [Sort of like teaching that George Washington was a murderous tyrant instead of the Father of our Country who led the fight for our freedom] Millions of lives were ruined during this period, as the Cultural Revolution permeated every part of Chinese life. It is estimated that hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, perished in the violence of the Cultural Revolution. When Mao was informed of such losses, particularly that people had been driven to suicide, he is alleged to have commented: People who try to commit suicide — dont attempt to save them! . . . China is such a populous nation; it is not as if we cannot do without a few people. [it is not known if Mao was fundraising or playing golf when informed of the human suffering and death] The authorities allowed the Red Guards to abuse and kill opponents of the regime. Said Xie Fuzhi, national police chief: Dont say it is wrong of them to beat up bad persons: if in anger they beat someone to death, then so be it. As a result, in August and September of 1966, there were 1,772 people murdered in Beijing alone, an average of 30 a day. [Not Chicago, Beijing] The Gang of Four, together with disgraced general Lin Biao, were labeled the two major counter-revolutionary forces of the Cultural Revolution and officially blamed by the Chinese government for the worst excesses of the societal chaos that ensued during the ten years of turmoil. Their downfall on October 6, 1976, a mere month after Maos death, brought about major celebrations on the streets of Beijing and marked the end of a turbulent political era in China. It is now officially claimed by the Communist Party of China that Mao in his last year turned against Jiang Qing and her associates, and that after his death on September 9, 1976, they attempted to seize power. Even decades later, it is impossible to know the full truth of these events. An emergency session of the Politburo was called in the Great Hall of the People. The presence of three of the Gang of Four was required. As they passed through the swinging doors into the entrance lobby, they were apprehended and led off in handcuffs. A special unit then went to Madam Maos residence and arrested her. That night other leaders were arrested in Manchuria. The propagandists [Chinese equivalents of the New York Times, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, etc] of the Gang of Four at Peking University and in newspaper offices across the country were taken into custody. All was done with quiet and efficiency. In Shanghai, the Gangs supporters received a message to come to Beijing for a meeting. They came and were arrested. Thus, without shedding a drop of blood, the plans of the Gang of Four to wield supreme power were ended. In 1981, the four deposed leaders were tried and convicted of anti-party activities. During the trial, Jiang Qing in particular was extremely defiant, protesting loudly and bursting into tears at some points. She was the only member of the Gang of Four who bothered to argue on her behalf. The defense’s argument was that she obeyed the orders of Chairman Mao Zedong at all times. Zhang Chunqiao refused to admit any wrong. Yao Wenyuan and Wang Hongwen expressed repentance and confessed their alleged crimes. The two who admitted wrong doing were sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years. Mao’s wife and Zhang Chunqiao were sentenced to death but the sentence was later commuted to life in prison. All are now dead. Today China has half a billion middle class [bourgeois] and 122 billionaires. China owns 21% of the US debt owned by overseas countries, over $1.26 trillion. In 2012, the lasted government figures available [we can’t have our bureaucrats working too hard compiling numbers and getting bonuses] China sold us $439 billion in goods and services. China bought $141 billion from us. We ship chickens to China where they’re processed and shipped back to us to eat. We ship casts to China where they make our false teeth and crowns. And we all lived happily ever after with Forward Hope and Change.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 17:55:08 +0000

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