TODAY’S SUCCESS SECRET – HOW TO DEFY FAILURE By Robert Bake TUmuhaise There is a friend of mine who struggled for a whole year in business without making significant profit. But then, suddenly, he made a huge unexpected profit. He was so confused about how to spend the money. He told me he was going to shift his office to more flashy premises, start building a residential house and buy a posh car. These were not bad ideas in themselves, but to me, withdrawing that kind of money from a young business sounded unwise. I advised him to reinvest the money so that it could first grow other than allowing a luxurious life to distract him from the very business that had earned him that profit. I explained to him about the ten-year cycle of money and assured him that those luxuries and other elements of a good life would come in after that cycle has been completed and the business has sustained a predictable cashflow. Surprisingly, he took my advice in bad faith. He told me that instead of rejoicing with him in his success, I was underestimating his potential. He assured me he had a Big God who would do all those things. I barked off and let him be. And for a long, long period of time, I never saw him. Fastforward, two years later, I meet him on the street only for him to narrate to me a sad story. He had started building but couldn’t finish the house because the money was not enough. His posh car had been crushed by a girlfriend in an accident and it had almost been written off. He had taken a loan in order to repair the car and complete the house but it wasn’t enough. Back at business, the bad cashflow had failed to pay back the loan. In the end, he had closed the business and was looking for someone to buy his unfinished house so that he could reduce on his debts. From my heart of hearts, I believe it was luxuries that diverted my friend from the right course. To succeed at anything, we need to remain focused, no matter the good things inviting us outside. Once you have purposed to pursue a certain dream, don’t allow yourself to be distracted from the bigger picture except if you have realised it was a wrong and unfruitful endeavour. Personally I’ve been focused on the same business for close to a decade, despite proposals from my friends to join other attractive businesses. I give it 15-17 hours everyday and because of giving it my undivided attention, its income has been more than tripling every year. Some people divert their attention from the most important thing, claiming that they are diversifying. But, even if you are starting other projects for the sake of diversification, don’t do it at the expense of your major project which has already proved that it brings results. Be patient and give it your all until it has grown to the point where you can remove resources and attention and it continues growing. Try diversification in dating and see; you might focus on several potential marriage partners to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket only to end up breaking all the ‘eggs’. Finally, I would wish to encourage you not to fear failure. Like the case of my friend I shared about. He has started again and this time he’s determined not to fall into the same trap again. You can refuse to fail. Oprah Winfrey was once demoted from her job as a news anchor because she was not deemed fit for television. Walter Disney, the celebrated movie producer, was fired from a newspaper for lacking imagination. Albert Einstein was unable to speak until he was 4 years old; his teachers said he would never amount to anything. Today, he is celebrated as the most intelligent man and best scientist in history. All successful people always purpose to defy failure. At this point, allow me remind you of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that WORLD OF INSPIRATION is presenting to you to come and learn how to defy failure. This will be during the AUTHORS’ FORUM – THE GATHERING OF 400 SUCCESS MINDS IN ONE AUDITORIUM. It’s happening at the National Theatre on Wednesday 7th August, starting 5:30pm. Don’t miss Prof. Peter Kasenene, Simon Kasyate and Gideon Badagawa – Executive Director of Private Sector Foundation and other inspiring guests addressing the theme ‘DEFYING FAILURE’. Call 0700487768 or 0774107287 and secure your ticket at 20,000 shillings before they run out. And for those who would wish to subscribe for 12 months, it’s only 150,000 shillings. Let’s refuse to fail; we are victors not victims. Finally, there are several courses that will be starting this week WORLD OF INSPIRATION. They include songwriting, proposal writing, the art of selling, customer relationship management, business/project planning and inspirational book writing. Since 2009, we’ve been offering them freely to all subscribed members and to non-members at a fee. However, effective 1st November we shall be bringing this promotion to an end and then starting another offer whereby subscribed members would pay half of the course fees. Thus, I would wish to encourage you to utilize this 4-months period when they are still totally free. You can subscribe now and attend all those you can and if you are already subscribed, book the trainings you are interested in. Otherwise, stay blessed and inspired.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 09:44:55 +0000

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