TONGALA 1910: THE first concert held by TONGALA School - TopicsExpress


TONGALA 1910: THE first concert held by TONGALA School :Cinderella (tons of reading) the headmaster was Mr Godbehear ,HEC McLEOD and HILDA McLEOD feature throughout the play,plus others that pop up on this page: rather interesting reading actually, kinda cute story. , The little village of Tongala is becoming famous for the interesting and novel entertainments which are held from time time in its public hall. Not the least entertaining and . novel was the .State school concept held last Friday evening,.August 19th It is interesting to note that this was the first concert ever given by the pupils of the Tongala school, though thoschool has been in existence about 20 years. Mr. Godbehear has only been in charge of the school since Easter,but he has been the means of introducing many-new interests into the school work,and bringing out many latent talents from among the children. Some few weeks ago this capable master conceived the idea of working up a concert to augment the funds of. thb school in order to purchase some- much-needed things. The^parents were interviewed and their sympathy gained, and then began the work of drilling the raw material into shape. At. first the obstacles seemed unsurmountable, for with a few exceptions the children had never seen any thing of the kind before, but by careful and- painstaking efforts Mr. Godbehear assisted nobly by Mrs. Godbehear and Mr. Hector MLeod managed-to get the children sufficiently trained to appear in public. The night was fine and bright, the . children happy and excited, the hall well filled, and everything passed off without a hitch. .The hall was looking-its best,being decorated with quantities of foliage supplemented by brightly colored flags of almost every nation. This work had been done by the willing hands of Mrs. P. Lochlan, Mrs. Castles, Mrs. MLeod and others, and the decorations formed? a most harmonious background for the bright faces of tho small performers. For the chairman, the right man in the right place had been found in the person of Mr. J. K. Byrne, who-spoke briefly but in his usual felicitous and humorous style (Tongala mourns the rapidly approaching exodus of Mr. and Mrs. Byrne and family from this district, where they have always done their best to promote the interests of the town). It would be quite impossible to mention each of them separately, . though each one really deserves a .word, yet there were a few numbers which stood out as being perhaps a little more interesting than the others. Tn the action songs The Swing and Dollys bed time were perhaps tho most popular items. The Swing wasquite unique in Tongala and was represented by 4 little girls frocked in white with colored sashes. Four swings Were suspended-from the ceil ing above tho stage, and were decorated with foliage and flowers to match the sashes of the girls. A boy stood at each swing, and at the refrain swing high, swing low the boys swung tho girls, and the effect was very fine. Dollys bed time was charmingly arranged also. Seven little girls (with seven little cradles arid seven little dolls) walked on to the platform, and kneeling down rocked the baby to sleep, meanwhile singing a pretty lullaby. The entertainment had been wisely billed as a variety one, for there . wore all kinds of -items. Miss Dorothy Lober, A.L.C.M., of Kyabram, delighted tho audieice with two well-played over tures, and then came on© of tho chorus songs by the pupils. These songs were sung with much vetvo by the boys and girls. In Climb, Hoys. Climb variety was given by Miss lima Byrne taking the solo part, which she sang with much sweetness. The German Band, with Miss Hilda MLeod as soloist (dressed in character) was well received!.and in The Drummer Boy Miss Leo Byrne as the name part made quite a sensation. Several well-arranged tableaux were much appreciated. Miss Angola Royal as Cinderella. and Miss H.McLeod as the fairy godmother perhaps being the most popular but You . Dirty Boy. Miss Muffed and The Flower of the Family also came in for a great deal .of admiration.. A few dialogues were introduced into the programme, and all the performers acquitted themselves admirably . The first one, We are Seven.caused much amusement, as did also The Irish Schoolmaster, with Edward Cavanagh as the dominie. A Long Pull, with Clarenco Torney as the puller, was very good, and Frank Byrne as the disgusted father in Turned Out made quite a hit.The dressing in A Busy Morning was quite a feature, and epeb and nil of the weather sorites did splendidly. Miss Hilda MLeod, in costume, danced the Sailors Hornpipe, and n number of the scholars gave an exhibition of dumb bell exercises. The school babies made a most charming debut with the action song. Dollys Go Cart their sweet childish voices being heard splendidly. while they destorouldy wheeled their dollies to and fro. Mr Godbehear and Hector Mcleod caused much laughter in their well known duet Gens dAnnes, and when the- formers large nose accidentally off it fairly brought the house down. The singing? of the National Anthem brought the first part on the evenings to a close . Then while supper was being given to the children the floor was cleared for dancing which was kept up until the wee hours. So ended the first TONGALA SCHOOL concert was great success socially and financially.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 11:37:21 +0000

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