TOTAL 1 1 6 1 9 18 = 9 A N A R O S A T I 5 9 1 2 17= 8 - TopicsExpress


TOTAL 1 1 6 1 9 18 = 9 A N A R O S A T I 5 9 1 2 17= 8 9 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 37 (3+7 = 10) = 1 DOA: September 18, 1963 = 1 – “The Leader” (general characteristic – this vibration denotes independence, self-motivation, and a need to be in charge) The 1 Life Path – The Leader – “The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going. Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-filling prophecy.” -Anonymous Soul: 9 (describes what you feel inside, people may not see this part of you but you feel it) Soul is fulfilled when I have resolved old family issues that have caused me pain. When I am living in the moment taking in everything that life has to offer me. When I am making a good living and it involves contributing to humanity. Personality: 8 (how people will perceive you. What you show the world) Appears as someone who is strong and disciplined. They carry themselves with innate dignity. The 8 has definite opinions about everything. The 8 wants to own quality things and does what it takes to attain them. The 8 will work very hard for their income. They can be suborn and don’t like to take advice. The 8 exudes a sense of well-being and prosperity, and people respect you on sight. Some will be threatened; a kind word will put those people at ease. Power Name: 8 (the strength of your name) Very strong, and likes to let others know exactly where they stand on any given situation. Collect things for sentimental reasons. Are drawn to quality and because of that must find ways to generate a decent income. The Power name number 8 either makes lots of money or lets money slip right through their fingers; but money is an issue you must deal with in this lifetime. Need to be more open to other people’s advice and know that the people in your life love you and want to help. As a Power Name 8 there is a need to find ways to show the love that is in your heart, because you can be easily misinterpreted. Birth Day: 9 (the way others see you) – People born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th The 9 Birth Day is perceived as a people person. The world looks to you for advice – strangers ask you for directions. Everyone is quite sure the 9 Birth Day can help him or her. The 9 Birth Day exudes a confidence that makes people trust them completely, even with their innermost secrets. The 9 Birth day can appear as being condescending, and must watch their delivery when communicating. The 9 Birth Day must establish healthy boundaries with their original family in order to stay happy and at peace. LIFE PATH: 1 (most important number – the path your life must take in order for you to be happy) The Leader: is someone who is self-motivated, independent, a hard worker. They have a fierce competitive desire to be the best, and almost always succeed. Unfortunately they never believe they’re as good as they really are, because of what they call their ‘inner bully’. This is the nonstop voice of criticism in their head, telling them they’re not good enough. Despite all their achievements, this voice demands: ‘what’s wrong with you? What are you doing with your life?’ They are extremely critical of themselves, and expect others to live up to their incredibly high standards. If they are disappointed, they are quick to judge. The Life Path 1 can get involved with all kinds of people and business schemes – even those that prove disastrous – and walk away unscathed, knowing exactly who they are. Jack Nicholson is a 1 Life Path and we often hear that “bad boy Jack” has done something wrong, everyone continues to love and forgive him. The 1’s need for individuality is enormous, they are pioneers, innovators, unique, and capable of great success. The 1 Life Paths are an asset to other numbers because they are the people who will push you to strive for excellence as well. You are very likely to want to achieve your own goals because it is so inspiring to watch their ceaseless quest for perfection. It is difficult for 1s to ask for help because they want to handle the problem their own way. When the 1 Life Path makes up their mind on how they are going to take care of a situation, it’s nearly impossible to talk them out of it. This means that occasionally the q will fall on their face. If you are a 1, try to listen to others from time to time. Others may see the 1 Life Path as egotistical or domineering but that’s not really where the 1 is coming from. The 1 is just clear on who they are and strong when it comes to offering an opinion. If a 1 feels they are doing well, you will know it by the look of joy on their face. Those with a 1 Life Path can be kind and generous, but if you feel they feel their partners are being unfaithful or have deceived them in love or business, they can be ruthless. The 1 vibration needs to be managing in some way – if not running the entire company! They make great entrepreneurs and inventors because of their self-motivation. They are also known for having healing hands, so massage therapy, reflexology, and acupuncture are fields in which they excel. Other fulfilling occupations include: writer, restaurant owner, store owner, trial lawyer, military officer, farmer, or anything that calls for independent action and decision making. When choosing a career, the Life Path 1 must ask the question: “what is it I’ve always wanted to be?” Once they answer that question and go after their dreams, they are unstoppable. They have tremendous focus, and they always become the very best at whatever they do. The world is their oyster. At the same time, the 1 vibration is always shooting to be number one, and if they do a great job overall but just one thing goes wrong, they will beat themselves up over it. They always feel like time is moving way too fast. The 1s need to ease up and encourage themselves instead of being too self-critical. Note that if you’re the boss to a 1 Life Path, the worst thing you can do is to stand over their shoulder, watching them work. They have a rebellious streak, and will react badly if they feel you don’t have faith in them. Instead you must let them know you trust them to do an amazing job – and then leave them alone. If you handle them in this way, they’ll give you magic. Another great activity for the 1 is to watch sports, races, game shows – anything where people are winning. Dancing is a great release for the 1 Life Path. It helps them get out of their heads and relax. Yoga is a popular meditation technique and will also have a soothing effect. Attitude: 9 The 9 is the leader. At work they’ll not just do their job but everyone else’s. Wherever a 9 goes, people will look to them as the person in charge. Their way of life is basically “show me what to do, and I will do it”. If they have any emotional scars from their childhood, they need to let them go. If they do not, it can lead to depression. They are very quick to help others, but they must learn to establish healthy boundaries so as not to be drained emotionally. Repeating Numbers: 8, 9 8 = must occasionally allow others to help instead of always doing it yourself. Have the ability to be a great success or a great failure. There is no gray area for you. Life is a state of mind. Put out positive energy and it will come back to you 9 = Must let go of all old pain from childhood. Share responsibilities instead of taking on the whole burden yourself. No one can read your mind. Let others know what your needs are so they can give back to you. Famous 1’s : David Letterman, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson Hope you enjoyed my reading! If you want to have me provide you with your very own reading contact me at: [email protected] Cost of $5.00 - All proceeds go to United Way Milton!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:48:57 +0000

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