TOUCH A LIFE IN UR KINGDOM SERVICE (Dan 12:3) says, Those who - TopicsExpress


TOUCH A LIFE IN UR KINGDOM SERVICE (Dan 12:3) says, Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.: Jesus is Lord, haleluyah! It is beautiful to have wisdom of the Lord, how wonderful it feels when one applies the key nuggets in the wisdom that God Almighty has greatly unveiled to us. Some things in life dont just bow to the powerful decrees and declarations, many others respond to the practical knowledge. Until u get to a place where ur wisdom sketches some graphics, u can stay a mighty but frustrated King in ur palace. I dont discourage theoretical part of any study; but my area of concern is that, after the study how do u gain ur experience in the field? The bible tells us that Faith without action is dead (James2:17; James2:26). Nobody walks into the church service and depart the place heartbroken, if any, I beg to disagree with u! That now Implies, the wisdom nuggets, the knowledge and faith itself that perfected ur hope in the glory of God while still in church, now start to be practically applied out there in the field. By field I believe u understand what it entails. How u face afflictions and trials when now ur pastor is not there to encourage u, determines how much practical u r applying the theory right on the paper. Number two thing, I say, if all that is around u is only blessing u and ur family members or relatives, ur legacy, gifts or even general anointing can as well die within u. But if u desire some time that ur biographies may be produced some day even when u r no more, touch other lives as well. Be set for Kingdom promotion and Kingdom enlargement. God is not interested in giving u a car, gold, money, Beautiful phones, health, house-owned-name, wisdom, power, etc, if if its not meant for the purpose of serving Him. Leading a life into the Kingdom of God is the greatest miracle I have ever heard the angels celebrate at a violent and disorderly shouts of glory. Ensure this year, in one way or the other, out of ur actions, some lives Will be attracted and lured into the Kingdom of the Lord. I leave u by this, with all the gold around u, if u dont adjust it by all measures to glorify God, it will inevitably become ur god which subsequently may gouge ur spiritual eyes like Samson in (Judges16:21), hence losing ur sight. However, I tell u and again I say this, that nobody can make u as famous as God in heaven can. Remember, Ur star determine ur destiny, and for it to shine, u gonna properly position urself for Jesus to have His Will work in u (Phil.2:13). Live for Jesus and ur star shall multiply greatness in the Lord. Shalom!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:30:50 +0000

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