TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS-A toxic relationship or friendship can be like - TopicsExpress


TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS-A toxic relationship or friendship can be like a slow working poison that can greatly harm your most important relationship which is the one you have with the Lord Jesus Christ.If you are a people pleaser you might begin to compromise your biblical convictions in order to impress your friends.Peer pressure can be good or bad depending upon the character of your peers and how they behave. You must choose to please the Lord 1st even if it means losing a friend or ending a toxic relationship that is draining you and pulling you away from your first love which is Jesus.Some relationships consume way too much of your time and then you begin to neglect the Lord.The choice of friends is yours and so are the consequences ! Some friendships help us honor the Lord while others tempt us to dishonor the Lord and these kind of relationships have the potential of doing us great harm. We tend to become like our friends.This means you must choose your friends very carefully using godly discernment.Now just because they go to church still does not mean you should be close to them.Many attend for many different reasons and can be religious but still lost in sin! Friendships influence us in ways that are subtle and powerful and we must make sure that our close friendships are Christ-centered.When you fellowship with a godly person you will be blessed and inspired.But if they are selfish ,carnal and controlling they can have a slow but negative affect on you overtime without you being aware of it. Slowly your passion for Jesus erodes into a religious routine ! Is that what you want? Your friends and close relationships will be a major influence on your life.Choose your friends carefully. Matt.6:33 tells all of us to seek ye 1st the kingdom of God. Are you doing that right now? Rev.2:4 Jesus says,Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou has left thy first love.Have you for the sake of others left your first love? Psalm 119:63I am a companion of all them that fear Thee, and them that keep Thy precepts. Proverbs 13:20He that walks with the wise shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. LASTLY-I have so many friends on face book who are not married who say they are In a relationship. Not totally sure what that means for each person but let me ask you to ask yourself these questions and be 100 percent honest in your answers !! 1.Do I put this relationship before the Lord? 2.Does this person inspire me to obey the Lord? 3.Does this person have a vibrant close relationship with the Lord? 4.Does this person inspire me to pray more ? 5.Does this person inspire me to read and study the Word of God more? 6.Does this person inspire me to witness to the lost ? 7.Is this person growing in the fruit of the Spirit? 8.Does this person enjoy the fellowship of other believers? 9.Is this person serving God in their singleness by doing good works with a heart of compassion? 10.Is this relationship making me more excited about serving my Lord ? IT IS VERY WISE AND VERY HEALTHY TO ASK THESE QUESTIONS AND RE-EVALUATE YOU RELATIONSHIP AND SEEK THE LORD TO MAKE SURE IT IS HONORING HIM ! Friends pray ,examine your heart and obey the Lord !
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:55:56 +0000

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