TREASURE THE MOMENT DEVOTIONAL..... Psalm 91 1 Whoever dwells - TopicsExpress


TREASURE THE MOMENT DEVOTIONAL..... Psalm 91 1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a] 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” As we study Psalm 91, there is so much richness there. It says WHOEVER dwells in the shelter of the Most High. Just who is that WHOEVER? Its those that are abiding in Christ and living in obedience to the Most High God. He says that those of us who choose that will be able to REST because our Almighty God is taking care of us. I will say of the Lord tells us we are directed to SPEAK the truth of WHO God is to us and for us. We arent just to keep it to ourselves. We are to declare it over our lives out loud and say He is my refuge! He is my fortress. I will trust in Him. What is a refuge and a fortress? Refuge is a place to run for safety. To be protected. He is our safety. He is our protection. A fortress is a PLACE of safety. How do we find a place of safety in Him? What does that mean and what does it look like? Is it a physical place? Well, it may end up being a physical place, but its really a place of putting our faith and trust IN HIM and believing that He is in control of where we are and what happens to us. Knowing even if we suffer, He has a reason or He would not have allowed it. That is true faith in Him. Some may say that is blind faith and they could be right in a sense. But God says its impossible to please Him without that faith. Now, you can say, Karen, look at Job! Look at Jesus! Yes they did suffer. But, God had purpose for that suffering. He didnt leave Job in his state of suffering. In fact, the word says He blessed Job double in the end of his life. And, though our Jesus suffered more than we can even imagine, it was to give us eternal life. A gift no one else could bring to us. All because our Father God loved us so much. In our stupidity and sin, we turned from Him. Yet He gave us a pathway to find eternal life once more with Him. You find your resting place in the SHELTER of the Most High God because YOU CHOOSE IT! You may be a Christian, but if you are not placing your faith and trust in Jesus, you are missing that place of safety. Begin to speak forth that HE IS YOUR REFUGE AND PLACE OF SAFETY. Let the enemy and the world know Jesus has your back. YOU take the authority He has given you and walk in peace and assurance that you are well cared for in Him as your fortress. Love you all much, Karen
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 16:32:33 +0000

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