TREATING HEART DISEASE The Truth about the Myth Author : Dr - TopicsExpress


TREATING HEART DISEASE The Truth about the Myth Author : Dr Khawar Bashir, Islamabad, [email protected] Part – I, Causation and Progression Heart Disease having reached epidemic proportions not just in the developed world but in developing countries like Pakistan as well, strikes fear in the hearts of all men, and to some extent rightly so. In order to understand heart disease, it is imperative that we first understand the importance of a healthy heart, then we will explore its progression from a healthy state to heart disease in a stepwise manner and finally we will see options as to what can be done to get it undone. Heart is a vital organ of the body that pumps blood to and from different parts of the body. Blood must reach every organ within the human body because it carries Oxygen and Nutrition to the cells and takes Carbon Dioxide and Waste Products away from the cells to enable them to live and carry out their daily activities. Accordingly, blood is a medium essential to carry out the functions of LIFE on a cellular and hence at the organism levels. All other organs have their cycles of low and high activities but not the Heart. It must keep pumping 24/7. If it stops, blood will not reach the cells of organs and they will suffer damage or even die leading to the death of the organism or the human in this case…Yes it is that important! Having said this, Heart is also an organ of the body and as such, for sustenance needs to be supplied with oxygen and nutrients through a system of blood circulation as is the rest of the body. This is accomplished by the coronary circulation which helps keep the heart pumping at all times. Any disruption of this blood supply would be detrimental to the tissues of the heart itself. Heart disease in 95% of the cases is a disease in which there is blockade of the vessels supplying blood to the heart itself. Consequently the heart tissue in the area of supply of that blood vessel (artery) is damaged. Primarily it is not a disease of the heart, which in fact is an organ that gets damaged as a result of the disease – It is a disease of the blood vessels. Since blood vessels are present in the entire body, other organs may also get affected. Therefore it implies that heart may not be the only organ affected; Brain, Lungs, Liver and other vital organs of the body may also be involved as blood vessels supply blood to the whole body. Vascular narrowing is the root cause of more than 95% of heart/ cardiac problems and stroke/ paralysis issues. How does it happen? What are the ROOT CAUSES of blockades in the blood vessels? There are several theories but nutshell; It invariably starts with injury to the blood vessel (arteries’) walls due to a variety of causes predominantly the foods (like refined carbohydrates) and the toxic chemicals (in processed foods) that we eat. Once the injury happens, our immune system (white blood cells – WBCs) kicks in and starts repair of the wall, a process that weakens overtime as we age. It is the inability of the repairing WBCs to completely repair the vessel wall that leaves a defect where some cells, bad cholesterol and other lipids deposit initially to plug it up. This deposit traps and binds calcium forming a plaque which hinders blood flow and also causes turbulence in the blood stream. The deposition of calcium takes place due to imbalance of calcium regulating and other hormones and not necessarily high calcium levels – the process is known as calcification or hardening of arteries. This invites further lipids and calcium to deposit on the minor blockade thereby bigger arteries as well, but due to larger diameter of those vessels a patient does not feel any effects especially in the initial stages. These deposits (called Atherosclerotic Plaques) cause significant narrowing of small and medium size blood vessels besides reducing their pliability and flexibility. This decreases their ability to convey or carry the pulse. If the narrowing exceeds a certain percentage; greater force and stronger heart pumping is needed to push blood (oxygen and nutrients) through the hardened arteries leading to what is called Hypertension or High Blood Pressure. Moreover, bad cholesterol also known as the LDL & VLDL cholesterol is more viscous and because of higher blood levels due to high intake or deranged liver metabolism, definitely slows down circulation. This blood needs more force to be pushed through the blood vessels – another reason for increased blood pressure. This is however easily reversed by just balancing out the good and bad cholesterol and can be accomplished by diet alone. Medication normally prescribed for lowering cholesterol damages the liver in the long run and causes dependence on the drug forever. A note needs to be kept here; Undue lowering of Cholesterol can cause more damage than good as the good cholesterol is a precursor of several important body harmones which in turn are responsible for a variety of body functions. So cholesterol especially the good one (HDL type) should not be lowered beyond a certain point. With further advancement of the disease, the luminal narrowing exceeds to such an extent that enough blood (oxygen and nutrients) cannot be pushed through even with greater force. This causes decreased blood supply beyond the blockade leading to Ischemia (decreased blood flow causing low oxygen – Hypoxia and lack of nutrients) and consequent damage and even cellular death in the area of supply of the particular vessel. At other times the plaques burst locally causing clotting and complete occlusion of the blood vessel. These cause the Heart Attack. It is called the Brain Attack/ Ischemic Stroke if it happens in the arteries supplying the brain. Another slightly different mechanism is also involved in strokes, sometimes the arteries narrow down to such an extent that high blood pressure bursts them open causing hemorrhage (Hemorrhagic Stroke). Common sites of Atherosclerotic lesions are; Brain (cerebral arteries), Heart (coronary arteries), Lungs, Aorta, Abdominal Aorta, Kidneys, Extremities, Peripheral Micro-Capillaries etc. etc. Part – II, A Comparison of Different Treatment Methodologies The problem with the conventional approach to heart disease (of vascular origin) is that, for the most part, its like putting a small band-aid/ plaster on a huge traumatic injury or wound. Certainly, surgeons can bypass a few blockades with a vein graft (bypass) or prosthesis (stent/ angioplasty) but these approaches appear primitive and crude when one realizes that atherosclerosis is not a localized injury to the heart nor is it a disease of the heart, it is a vascular disease and as such it has a wide ranging distribution within the body. This disease is present not only in the coronary (heart) or carotid (brain) arteries, but also in the, lungs, kidneys, arms and legs. Furthermore, the blockades not only occlude the larger vessels that can be seen and manipulated by surgeons and cardiologists, but the smaller vessels as well, and it is in the small blood vessels (capillaries of the micro- circulation) where the actual oxygen exchange to the cells or tissues takes place. Treating Heart Disease – The Truth About the Myth Clearly, the optimum treatment for atherosclerosis should be a biological approach which removes plaques and restores blood flow throughout the entire arterial system and which treats the small (micro) as well as the large (macro) vessels. But is there such a biological approach that really works? Please READ ON... Let us first lay down certain Criteria of Success in treating any condition or disease through any approach. A successful approach/ treatment must; 1.Stop progression of the disease 2.Reverse existing disease & damage 3.Treat not just locally but systemically – the entire body 4.Provide Permanent Relief of Symptoms (& Signs) 5.CURE the Disease – The disease must be gone after the treatment. Consequently it must eliminate the need for lifelong medication & 6.Prove all of the above through evidence – Lab and Radiology Investigations that the disease is gone. So how can we stop or even reverse the formation of plaques and blockades in the blood vessels. Logically arresting the process at any of the steps of hardening of blood vessels would prevent the disease cycle from completion. There are several theories, let us see their combined potential in a stepwise mannerviz-a-viz steps of intervention; 1.Prevent Injury (Inflammation) to the blood vessels (especially arteries) by stopping altogether – refined carbohydrates and processed foods. 2.Strengthen the Immune System for effective repair of arteries. High dose special forms of vitamin C are very helpful along with other modalities as we shall see. 3.Regulate the Cholesterol Metabolism through eating unrefined natural oils and not the processed oils available in the market, to decrease the viscosity of blood and availability for deposition – By a.Decreasing an already elevated level or just balancing out the good and bad Cholesterols. High dose vitamin C is very effective along with dietary modification. b.Supporting Liver Functions to regulate metabolism of fats 4.Regulate the Calcium Metabolism to decrease its availability for deposition and keeping more of it in bones and teeth. AND LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST 5.For existing deposits – take calcium and cholesterol out of the plaques putting them back to where they belong and strengthening the immune system for proper repair of vessel walls. A different form of vitamin C again in high doses effectively dissolves plaques when combined with some other treatment modalities. Now let us see the different modalities available for treatment; 1. The Conventional Approach – Bypass Surgery and Angioplasty/ Stenting : This conventional allopathic approach is aimed at opening up the most critical blockades by putting in a piece of metal tube called stent (average life is 3-8 years) inside the artery or by taking a piece of blood vessel/ vein from elsewhere in the body and grafting in place of the more diseased part of an artery – the procedure being known as bypass surgery or CABG (average life is 10 years). This solves the problem only partially and does not stop disease progression nor does it reverse disease, it just fixes it temporarily. After a few years more stents are required or there is another vessel that needs bypass and it becomes a never ending story. Moreover in about 30% of the patients, the immediate problem is never resolved. There is another very grave concern; a stent is a foreign body and the immune system of the body keeps registering it and keeps mounting response against it – the reason for collapsed or blocked stents. This requires another stent which is put inside the same stent and the cycle goes on. Eventually the outcome in such patients is very poor. Stop! Let us visit the very basic Treating Heart Disease – The Truth About the Myth procedure of angiography. It is an invasive procedure and statistically major complications including death occur in 4% of the patients. With this local method of treatment the relief of signs and symptoms is only partially permanent, disease progression does not stop, the disease is neither reversed nor cured, consequently the need for lifelong medication is always remains. Moreover this method does nothing to strengthen the immune system. Bypass Surgery or Angioplasty are neither safe nor without side effects. However, whatever this treatment method does, is provable through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 2. Homeopathic Treatment : This can be effective only if constitutional homeopathic treatment is given. Constitutional treatment by way of its holistic approach rejuvenates the entire systems operating in the body and mind. Its action is centrifugal meaning that it works from within and outwards throwing all toxins, infections, foreign bodies and morbid substances out of the body to restore equilibrium in physical, mental and emotional planes of life. As a part of the treatment arteries also revert to their original healthy condition. It further implies that if a person has already gotten a stent in or has had bypass surgery, homeopathic treatment can actually be dangerous. *Unfortunately there are only a few constitutional homeopaths in the world, rests of them by and large do not know much about constitutional treatments. Moreover, it is complicated not only for the physician to perform but also difficult for the patient to follow. Therefore in the name of homeopathy specific medications are used that seldom work as intended. Specific medication has its own side effects, especially if not given appropriately. Moreover thisnon-scientific practice contradicts the very philosophy of homeopathy as laid out by its founder Dr Hiena Mann. Specific Medication works only half the time and that too only so much. With this systemic method of treatment (rated according to availability in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is only partial and seldom permanent, disease progression may or may not stop, the disease is sometimes reversed and cured but sometimes not so, consequently the need for lifelong medication always remains. Moreover this method does little to strengthen the immune system. Improperly prescribed homeopathic medicines are neither safe nor without side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not provable through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 3. Naturopathic Treatment : If administered properly, this treatment can have a striking difference. * There are not many tabibs (naturopaths) who can a.) determine the constitutional type, b.) suggest an appropriate remedy according to the constitution of the individual, and c.) use properly prepared medicines. Most of the naturopathic medicines are supposed to be prepared on nano-scale concepts and the method of preparation matters a lot. Somehow our tabibs are not able to produce the quality medicines required for such a treatment. With this systemic method of treatment (rated according to availability in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is only partially permanent, disease progression may or may not stop, the disease is sometimes reversed and cured but sometimes not so, consequently the need for lifelong medication always remains. Moreover this method does little to strengthen the immune system. Improperly prescribed homeo medicines are neither safe nor without side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not provable through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 4. Dietary or Nutritional Approach : Treating Heart Disease – The Truth About the Myth A properly advised dietary approach based on well researched sound scientific principles will invariably improve heart disease and partially or completely reverse it as well. The only problem is that the right things need to be identified. *Majority of the dieticians or nutritionists do not have a clue to the real causation of heart disease. With this systemic method of treatment (rated according to the practice in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is usually partial, disease progression may or may not stop, the disease is sometimes reversed and cured but sometimes not so, consequently the need for lifelong medication always remains. This method however strengthens the immune system. It is usually without side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not proved through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 5. Magnetics Makes use of magnetic bracelets, rings and magnetized water for drinking. It does improve high blood pressure to some extent, but considering the range of disorders, it is a peanut. Moreover, the proponents do not fully understand the appropriate use, underlying mechanisms and suitability for the patients. There is far more research needed in this field. With this semi-systemic method of treatment (rated according to the practice in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is usually partial and temporary, disease progression does stop to some extent but temporarily so, the disease is never reversed or cured, consequently the need for lifelong medication always remains. This method does not strengthen the immune system. It is usually without side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not proved through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 6. EECP (Enhanced External Counter-Pulsation) This technique uses external pulsed pressure to strengthen the peripheral pumping capacity of calf muscles (also known as the peripheral heart) to lower the burden on heart. There is usually some improvement but is not long lasting. Moreover, it does nothing to treat the disease itself. With this non-systemic method of treatment (rated according to the practice in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is usually partial and temporary, disease progression does not stop, the disease is never reversed or cured, consequently the need for lifelong medication always remains. This method does not strengthen the immune system. It is usually without side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not proved through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 7. Chelation (Intravenous EDTA) This method was initially developed to treat Lead Poisoning by the US military. It was later discovered that it also treats blood vessel blockades because of its ability to chelate calcium out of plaques. Once very popular in the late 70s, intravenous EDTA Chelation is no longer favoured over conventional treatment methods despite its potential to reverse the disease. This method utilizes intravenous EDTA in an infusion (drip) to be administered with extreme care by a qualified practitioner along with a lot of vitamins and minerals to counteract calcium chelation from bones and tissues. Usually 30 to 40 drips are required over a period of approximately 20 weeks. EDTA takes calcium out of the blockades thereby decreasing the blockades but it does so indiscriminately, as it takes calcium out of the bones also. Prolonged chelation leads to osteoporosis and can lead to kidney disease as well. With this systemic method of treatment (rated according to the practice in Pakistan) the relief of signs and symptoms is usually permanent, disease progression does not stop however, the disease is reversed or even cured at times, but the need for lifelong medication mostly remains. This method does not strengthen the Treating Heart Disease – The Truth About the Myth immune system. This method has its side effects. However, whatever this treatment does, is usually not proved through lab and radiological imaging techniques. 8. Ozone (Combination Method) : More Modern Techniques and Methods such as Ozone with a combination of above methods such as nutritional approach : This is a new paradigm in Allopathy. Ozone, made from Oxygen, is used intravenously either dissolved in a drip or by mixing in a small quantity of blood outside the body and then returning it to the body. Usually 30 – 40 drips are administered over a period of approximately 12 weeks but without the side effects of chelation. In fact, the only side effect is ‘Anti-Aging’ because Ozone rejuvenates and revives the dormant and dying cells of the body normalizing their function. Ozone therapy is a very simple constitutional treatment method and as such has a number of benefits, and therefore its use in so many different diseases. In our current context Ozone fast tracks all the steps of intervention and when combined with the right nutritional approach, checks on all the right boxes of the criteria of success. Combination Ozone is therefore the method of choice in treating heart disease and related disorders. With this systemic method of treatment the relief of signs and symptoms is usually permanent, disease progression is halted, the disease is reversed or even cured, and subsequently the need for lifelong medication is also gone. This method strengthens the immune system. This method has zero side effects. Whatever this treatment does, is provable through lab and radiological imaging techniques. So many different modalities and methods are available for the treatment of heart disease, only the ones available in Pakistan have been compared here. The purpose is to make the general public aware of the different modalities available and bring out their true and unbiased positive and negative points in a scientific and logical manner. We talked about heart disease striking fear in the hearts of all men - Some of this fear is justified though, yet sometimes so dangerous and complex problems have paradoxically very simple solutions. Just step back and think outside the box for a while…..! After all, the Choice should be yours ! NOTE : The term “Bypass The Bypass” simply means any alternate method of opening up the blood vessels supplying the heart, a non-invasive method that does not involve surgery. It is not synonymous with the Chelation Therapy as is commonly misunderstood. PICTURES of 1.Heart 2.Blood Vessel with and without a Plaque Dr Khawar Bashir – [email protected]
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 10:08:01 +0000

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