TRUE MASTER OF KARATE, who will be able to apply these - TopicsExpress


TRUE MASTER OF KARATE, who will be able to apply these fundamentals The first historical Master of modern Martial Arts, was the Indu Bodhidharma, The achieved fucionar Chinese fighting arts and indues with the techniques, spiritual, energetic, hindu and Chinese, forming a program, 1500 years ago, which is the cradle of modern martial arts, and return to that source, it is essential if you are a teacher trained in martial arts surely need, at some point, confronted with this study, Santosha: This is a space where you find wellness and balance in the work BEING HIS body, emotions and relationships. Through KARATE, therapies, workshops and this allows you to experience this state of equilibrium; to live in Santosha. The eight steps: 1. Yama: relationship with the outside world. 2. Niyama: relationship with ourselves 3. Asana: Practice exercise. 4. Pranayama: breathing exercises practiced. 5. Pratyahara: abstraction of the senses 6. Dharana: Ability to direct the mind. Concentration. 7. Dhyana: Meditation 8. Samadhi: full integration with the object of our understanding. ETHICS Yama: refers to respect and obligations to the world. The idea is that every living being is part of the same infinite consciousness. Harm another is damaged and mismo.Niyama: Refers to respect for oneself, to maintain mental balance and personal harmony. Yama (5 Principles) 1) Ahimsa: No harm others, not kill. 2) Satya: Respect for truth 3) Asteya: Do not take what is not ours 4) Aparigraha: No accumulate excessive material goods 5) Brahmacharya: conservation and energy direction towards truth chosen. Niyama (5 Principles) 1) Saucha: take care of our personal hygiene and maintain free thoughts and feelings of old stories. 2) Santosha: maintaining mental serenity; contentment. Faculty feel comfortable with what one has and what has not. 3) Tapas: live intensely, is the conscious effort to achieve union with divinity and burn all desires that stand in the way of this goal. 4) Swadhyara: study the inner self. Educating oneself. 5) Ishvara-pranidhana: abandonment of the fruits of action divinity and burn all desires that stand in the way of this goal. These principles are in common with yoga, inevitably, are the principles that are expected to be studied and hopefully, practiced by a master of Karate Forgotten Unfortunately, for various types of interests, the last centuries, and during my journey, of 6 years, only in Okinawa, Japan, China, Laos, Thailand, Nepal, India, and Russia,, I tried to recover, and today, teachers Shinshinkan Karate Do, Karate need to practice in our lives. SHINSHINKAN KARATE: Okinawan Karate Kobudo, Aikijujitsu, and Meditation in one System, with no competitions, and universal With thinking.All BE welcome !!!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 19:16:11 +0000

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