TRUE STORY: Yesterday morning started out with a cloud of a ohhh - TopicsExpress


TRUE STORY: Yesterday morning started out with a cloud of a ohhh pitiful me One of my sons blamed me for not waking him up at a time he my husband the night before, not me. Another son, when I dropped him off at school, I told him that I loved him, then I repeated again, he looked at me and said, I know. Im like, really? I felt defeated and unappreciated, so I broke down in tears while the song, oh, how he loves us so, oh was playing on the radio k-love. So I picked myself up by that song and remembered that Im loved. I started to pray and take control. I told that funky spirit to leave and that I recognized his tactic. That self pity wanted me to get swallowed up with how I was feeling and to miss out on what God had in store for me that day. The enemy also knew what was planned. WHAT USED TO WORK BEFORE FOR THE ENEMY, WAS SHOT DOWN BY THE FAITH THAT I HAD ESTABLISHED BY TRUSTING IN MY LORD JESUS CHRIST FOR EVERY CIRCUMSTANCES IN MY LIFE. What happened that day will amaze you and hopefully help you recognize what is really going on in the spiritual realm. I wasnt going to go into work that day until 5:30 pm, my only appointment scheduled for that day, but I felt that I needed to go in early because of all my supplies that I had just purchased the day before to settle in and put my supplies in place. (My excuse) but, God had something planned already and needed to reach someone. How many believe that Gods timing is perfect? He still amazes me. As I was settling in putting my supplies away, 15 minutes later, an older women and her husband came in because she had an appointment with Connie Newton to get her hair done. As I was continuing putting my things away, the client came to me and asked me if I could just take care of her nails on her toes, just cut them. I said, sure, no problem. Her husband stepped in and asked me if I could give her the Whole Pedicure treatment? Of course I could because I didnt have anyone until the evening. So I started to set up. As I was setting up, I found out that this client had been in the hospital since November because of CANCER and was just released a week ago. Thats when my spirit was quickened and I started praying. Ohhhh Lord, you set this up, what is it that she needs to hear from you? Smh in amazement with a smile on my face and heart because my Father, GOD ALMIGHTY had chosen me today to be His voice and to demonstrate His love, mercy and Grace. THE PEDICURE: As I helped her get settled in the pedicure chair, I noticed that she looked like she was heavily sedated with medication. With confirmation by the client, she was on VICADIN and had been on it for awhile. As with every client, I try to help them feel comfortable by initiating conversation. This one was different. Our conversation dealt with her CANCER and she initiated the conversation. While she was speaking, I was in prayer asking the Lord to help me hear His voice what HE needed her to hear. As she concluded her story on how she got the CANCER (which was lung cancer from smoking) I had asked her if there was anything in this journey that she had learned from? She said, yes, prayer. It works. So now my spiritual feelers are going out to find out where is she at with the Lord. She was going in and out bc of the medication, but yet still alert. Her answer set me up for the next statement. WOW, so if anyone were to come and tell you that prayer is just silly, you know for yourself that it does work, and you could tell them, sorry, youve come to late to tell me that. Her eyes opened with bewilderment and with no hesitation she said, yes, your right! (But I know that was God) As I was working on her pedicure, she had mentioned to me that her feet were different looking, I said, I know, I can see that. God created you extra special. Theres no one like you. Youer His masterpiece. And again, she opened her eyes wide and said, thank you. I never thought of it that way. Then she started to share with me about her family, and thats when I heard the Lord speak to my spirit on what to share with her. (That part I wont share) I had asked her if I could pray with her and her reply was YES. Needless to say, she was not the same women that walked in that was in and out of touch with reality. She was awake, alert, and very coherent. Even Connie noticed a difference in her as she was leaving. We had witnessed a miracle, and to think that the enemy wanted me to stay in the sadness, in the rejection, in the self pity. DEVIL IS SUCH A LIAR. To God be the glory.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:33:08 +0000

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