TRUE STORY – happened to me this week…..a funny read - At - TopicsExpress


TRUE STORY – happened to me this week…..a funny read - At our house leftover bananas equal Banana Nut Bread. With a few free hours to spare I had enough bananas to bake 2 loaves of bread. Channeling my inner Betty Crocker, I gathered up the flour, sugar, eggs, and proceeded to chop exactly one cup of walnuts. Opening the drawer reserved for all my baking accouterments I went to grab my GOOD 1 cup measuring cup. It was gone, not there...hmmm, that’s odd? I checked several other kitchen drawers and inside the dishwasher, still no cup? Whenever Mark empties out the dishwasher my kitchen utensils have a tendency to end of in THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM, I never see or hear from them again!!! It’s like when you have well meaning houseguest over the holidays and they want to help you, they insist on unloading your dishwasher- please dont do me any favors. OK, now I am on a mission, obsessed my heels dug in, I am hell bent on finding the doggone 1 Cup device. Resorting to talking out loud, hands on hips I said to Luigi if you were a measuring cup where would you hide??? His little head tilted to one side he looks at me in a state of confusion as if to say, you talkin to me Willis? AH-HA, a light bulb moment, I remembered finding the cup in the dog kibble the last time it was missing. Filled with giddy confidence I head for the pantry, now Ive got my Nancy Drew game face on ...opened the giant kibble jar - NOTHING, damn, damn *@&%!! Perplexed and spewing ungodly words, I grab the highly inconvenient half cup and move on to baking my nut bread. I decided to LET IT GO! One of those things that will show up when you least expect it. That night after dinner I ask Mark do you want a piece of Banana Nut Bread sure he says. Then I say to him – “by the way my GOOD stainless 1 Cup measuring cup is MIA, have you seen it?”? Without hesitation he says Yeah! ALRIGHTY THEN.... where the heck is it? As if to say I’m Stupid he replies “It’s in the laundry soap” – Well of course it is-DA! Yesterday Mark was helping me fold laundry, Im scared, CFMGP...Cant Find My GOOD Panties, on my way to check the drawer with measuring cups:-)
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 13:19:10 +0000

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