TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! (THE HIGHER SELF) I do not wish to - TopicsExpress


TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS! (THE HIGHER SELF) I do not wish to offend anybody who sincerely adheres to his/her religious belief or whatever philosophy he/she has in life. Reading this book may not be a good feature or may rock his/her life and I am sorry if I have assaulted your religious or ultraconservative belief in life. I only wish that you will browse through this book with an open mind. With good intent, I hope you will learn something new. I know that it takes a long time to change engrained beliefs and philosophies one has acquired in his/her younger days. This is a vitally important fact: the choice is completely yours. But please rely and trust on your instincts. This book should not distract you from your religious beliefs. However, listen to your instincts. “Trust your instincts, and make judgments on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you.” ~DAVID GEMME Change in beliefs may take decades, even centuries, for minds to change. It took no less than 4200 years since Sumerian time to prove that the world was round. Brave men had to face the cruel world to prove this wrong. And they did. Thus Christopher Columbus and other explorers were able to circumnavigate the earth. Copernicus proved that the earth rotated around the sun. The earlier belief was that it was the sun that revolved around the earth. It took a long time to accept this change. Galileo, the father of scientific reason, had to suffer in harsh seclusion because he too believed the findings of Copernicus. During the last 60 years, very significant revolutionary developments have taken place fast: man landed on the moon, the Hubble telescope gave more information about the heavens; communication technologies introduced the Internet, digital TV and all manners of mobile phones. Advances in the military-industrial complex, in medicine, and in many other areas have been astounding. Yet a few believe that the earth is flat! It does not mean that I don’t recognize the great work and research of hundreds of scientists like Dr. Paul Laviollete, Stephen Hawkins, and recognized scientists in their own fields from astronomy, astrology, cosmology, paleontology, geological, physics, remote viewing, etc. Our knowledge has grown astronomically a lot broader and deeper the last 60 years. The fields that scientists dwell into are more on the pure physical realms even if they discuss ultra-microscopic unseen things as genes, cosmic rays or sub-atomic particles. One may study more of these things in Nature’s Magazine and gain more understanding on the workings of the radio-galactic group, out-burst phenomenon, cosmology and many other fields. The deeper physical exposures or discoveries by present-day scientists are proofs, to me, that supernatural realms exist beyond the 4.6 physical renditions in the hugeness of our Universe. What is the so-called dark matter? What are black holes? What is nano technology? What is quantum physics? Or what subquantum physics stands for? And what is quantum jumping? It has very good results. Search Google for scientific theories like String Theory and M-Theory, or watch the film “What The Bleep Do We Know!?” Once you do, you’ll be as convinced that alternate universes do indeed exist. There is a log of cosmic knowledge to be learned. Try and understand. The only prerequisite is an open mind and the power of intent. There are many things we have yet to discover. In time the human brain will be able to connect to the many densities or dimensions and mulch-dimensional levels undiscovered yet. They exist in the unseen world of the cosmos, and contactees have had experiences in this realm but still a lot of folks don’t believe in them as true. The consciousness in this unseen universe is in the so-called dark matter. There are countless paths, parallels, domains, cycles, and stargates that are manifested in these areas. The dozens of advanced technologies will be shared to us in time by the good guys of the outer realms. This book will relate a field of the paranormal based on my experiences. Many will say this is very unscientific. Have you heard of “anti-universe”? Of course, dealing with paranormal is unscientific. But we are channeled slowly into a great deal of universal knowledge by benevolent groups or the big guys in our galaxy. However, some bad guys are blocking our advancement and we had stumbled many times through the centuries and had followed different paths. Many in our present world have gained biblical and scientific knowledge from church ministers, schools, universities and research centers for ages. The priests, pastors and ministers have fixed their knowledge on what is written in the Bible and what is delivered in pulpits or taught in schools and universities. A lot of people these days contradict Bible and paleontology. To think that religious leaders have higher minds to analyze the past and present on-goings yet they are stuck in their own teachings. So as their followers. What knowledge they have acquired will take a long time to change or possibly not at all. We hope the next generation will accept the changes that are to come. Look at the many religious sects and denominations today. They branch from a herirarchy to a new found denomination. Was there a change shown that would reflect advancement? They would claim that this new found religion is most acceptable to God. The Source sees the heart of man, not what man has created. It is centered between good and evil. It is how one lives his life by practicing good thoughts and acts. What you can do to your neighbor? It is not between atheists and believers of God, Islam versus Christianity, communism or democracy, religious or non-religious – it is how we engage and practice universal love against hate and greed whatever level of society one is in. Do no evil deeds over good should be in one’s consciousness. Today, the world is split in many countries. I wonder if the rich and famous, as some say, look down on the lowly. How many of them can see the heart of the poor? While it is true that a lot of the tycoons are philanthropist yet some give but a fraction of their wealth. Others give much more. Others-none at all. It is said that if 100 billionaires can share their wealth, it can feed the whole world and none will be hungry. There are many people who are skeptical about the Milky Way galaxy as teeming with life (with 200 billion stars and planets revolving around it). Our galaxy has a twin sister known as M31. The fact is that there are 200 billion galaxies in our universe. And what’s more, there are universes beyond our own. Don’t you wonder the domain and stretch of the universe? Many cannot believe that our souls will join other souls in higher dimensions in not too distant future when we are out of our earth and the solar system. But many will have to return to earth to pay for their karmic debts. A recent undisclosed contact tells us that soon, the wider picture will be revealed involving 7 ET races that have been working with various governments that are now going to be met with 50 new ET races that are going to be introduced (face-to-face!) to the public. There will be new technologies being rolled out on the U.S. and some countries.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 01:45:27 +0000

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