TUESDAY TEACHINGS A REVELATION OF……. GODS CALL TO HIS CHURCH A call for change. INTRODUCTION This word is a little different to others in the series, in that it a compilation of articles written over a period of 3 months as editorials for our weekly email newsletter of encouragement, PGIM! The inspiration however, was received at the beginning. It just took time to write, for like most of us, I am good at putting things off until the last minute! We live in a church system that has evolved over the past, nearly 2000 years. It is obvious that the church had problems of doctrine and organisation right from its formation. Many people are reluctant to admit to this, but there were difficulties between Jews and gentiles in a theological sense, as well as practical organisational problems in terms of looking after the needy widows. However, over the centuries, church structures developed and became formalised along human lines. While the Reformation saw some changes, both in theology and organisation, the old, unbiblical, structures have tended to replicate themselves within our modern denominations and groupings. The Bible warns of this. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8) Today, in these end times, God is calling His church back to basics. To its relational roots rather than formal structural organisation and methods that restrict, through human intervention, the Holy Spirit from truly working in the way He would wish. Yes, God is calling us today to return to the principles set out in the New Testament, not to create the perfect church, for it will still have you and I in it, but rather, one capable of absorbing the promised bountiful end-time harvest. His servant and yours, David Tait Teaching is found at..... wwj.org.nz/teachings/teaching.php?id=584
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 23:27:06 +0000

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