TWO FEARED DEAD, SCORES INJURED AS CULT GROUP, JTF UNLEASH MAYHEM ON RESIDENTS OF DATEME COMPOUND IN BUGUMA, RIVERS STATE …ASARI TORU LG CHAIRMAN FINGERED At least two persons are feared dead and scores injured as a rugged cult gang armed with machetes, guns, dynamites and other explosive stormed Dateme compound in Buguma, headquarters of Asari Toru Local Government area of Rivers state, razing and unleashing mayhem and creating untold panic in the town. Those particularly targeted were a crowd of mourning guests and members of a socio-cultural organization of the Kalabari clan, the Kengema Unity Forum who were attending funeral ceremony of one of its members in the area. The violence reportedly triggered by boys loyal to the chairman of Asari Toru Local Government area, Hon. Ojukaye flag Amachree was allegedly carried out to jitter seeming opposition as a continuation of ongoing fierce hostilities between supporters of governor Chibuke Rotimi Amaechi and members of the Felix Obuah led PDP in the state Speaking to newsmen an eye witnessed, Iboroma Briggs who sustained serious injury as a result of the attack said, “this is not the first time the chairman’s notorious gang is attacking Dateme community unprovoked, confirming that the chairman of Asari Toru LGA, Ojukaye Flag Amachree was responsible for the attack as a way of silencing any impending opposition in the area against his master the governor – but he frowned that doing that to a group of mourners was inhuman. Vincent Brown who was also an eye witness said the unprovoked attack by loyalist of the LGA chairman does not speak well about his person who ordinarily is suppose to provide adequate security for the people. He lamented that the LGA boss is trying to plunge the local government area back to the crisis days using a terror gang of cult boys aided by the Joint Military Task Force (JTF) posted in the area to perpetrate the mayhem. Narrating the ordeal he said, “We were all at a burial ceremony in Dateme compound in Buguma when suddenly a group of boys invaded the area with bottles, knife and guns and started stabbing and inflicting various degrees of injury to a confused crowd with intent to disperse the gathering”, According to him, it did not just end there, “they started throwing dynamites and razing the entire town aided by the Joint Military task Force posted to the area - sincerely this is totally unacceptable” he lamented, demanding why an attack on a harmless mourning crowd. Monima Amachree a youth in the area said his elderly grand mother is lying critically ill in the hospital as result of the shove she got from the crowd trying to escape from the attack, stressing that the chairman would be held responsible if anything happens to there grand mother. Others who spoke expressed shock that members of the security operative JTF who are suppose to ensure peace in the area were the once actually assisting and backing up the attackers to unleash mayhem on the town. According to a man who spoke under the condition of anonymity, if the chairman continues in this fashion the situation could degenerate to a full blown war in the community. All attempt to speak to the local government chairman or his publicist proved abortive as phones were switched off.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 15:42:53 +0000

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