Take out ur time and plz plz read n follow..........Jai Shri - TopicsExpress


Take out ur time and plz plz read n follow..........Jai Shri Mataji ADVICE FROM SHRI MATAJI FOR TODAY : This is the greatest thing that has happened. The whole of the Sahasrara has opened out with all the seven peethas of all the deities, who are just part and parcel of it. The whole of it has come in the form of a Mother who is humble, who is deceptive, illusive, who is Mahamaya. It’s the greatest thing that could happen to human beings and to the whole universe, that now you can get your realization, you can give realizations to others, you can understand through your senses, through your logic what is vibrations, what it does. Under these circumstances one has to understand that there are certain limitations which you have to observe. First of all, I have taken you in My body. A foreign thing has to go in the body and it has to be looked after, nurtured. But if you become troublesome, then you’ll be thrown out, I can’t bear you. Some people are extremely troublesome. They do not meditate, they have their own ideas about meditation, they do not develop themselves, they do not mature, they live in the past or in the future, and such people are troublesome. A simple thing I’d requested you all, to put some ghee in the nose, which is a very simple thing but is very important. You all suffer from a very bad Hamsa, and one of the things that is a symptom in a AIDS case is a bad Hamsa. You’ll be vulnerable to AIDS – and a small thing like that is not observed. It has to be a religious obligation that you must listen to Me, whatever I say. Actually you must obey Me. My hand obeys Me, My fingers obey Me, My feet obey Me; what about you, who are raised to the great dignity and the great position of being the yogis in the body of the Adi Shakti, and they are acting as cells in My body? First and foremost thing is, to do this kind of a venture, to put all kinds of things in your body is a very daring thing, and the process is also very hazardous. This has to be achieved with great patience, love, compassion and above all, hard labor. This has to be regarded as the greatest thing, that Sahasrara was opened by Me. Of course I am the master of Sahasrara, I am the master of all the chakras, but also I’m beyond Sahasrara, much beyond it. If that is the situation, you should be careful about your Sahasrara – that is Me – and looking after your own heart which is the Brahmarandra peetha here, which opens out ultimately when you get your realization. Sahaja Yoga is spreading everywhere horizontally; vertically it must also spread. And there, if you really have proper understanding of what I am, Sahasrara should be absolutely clearcut. And to keep Sahasrara clearcut you must listen to whatever I have told you, obey it as absolutely a ordained thing. To keep the Sahasrara clean is to open your heart. If your hearts are not open, how will I fill it up with My love? Open your heart to your fellow yogis and yoginis. Don’t get worried about what has happened in the past, don’t get worried about what has happened in your life as far as your relationships are concerned. Such things won’t happen now in Sahaja Yoga, they cannot happen. It has been worked out that way, it cannot happen. If this hand is paining, the other hand is there to help it out. You’re not alone, you are in the body of the collective being. If there are stupid people, if there are idiotic people, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for such people – in Sanskrit language they are called as “mudhahs.” Neither this is meant for people who are over-smart and trying to cheat themselves – intelligence has that capacity – and to indulge into things which are not Sahaj. Slowly you will find your vibrations will disappear, you’ll become sick, you’ll have problems and you’ll be in trouble. This is not a kind of a warning but a request, because you are in My body, and whenever anybody tries to be troublesome in My body I have to bear it up, and suffer a lot. It’s a funny type of a crucifixion when every moment you are hanged onto a cross by anyone who wants to do it. Sahaja yogis have all the laws in their hands to torture My life, to trouble Me if they want to; but they have also such a capacity, such a caliber, such a potential that they can reside in My heart forever. Open your hearts, that’s the thing I will say. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahasrara Puja 1987 -- - Thanks and Regards Sandeep Durugkar ( Mobile: +055-5631898) Email:
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 08:25:30 +0000

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