Take someone who likes being flogged on the shoulders. Often we - TopicsExpress


Take someone who likes being flogged on the shoulders. Often we carry a lot of tension and maybe uncleared emotional stuff in our shoulders. Now if you do a shoulder flogging with a certain amount of awareness you will relieve some of that tension, but you won’t get to the bottom of it, so the person may well need to come back for another flogging, and another flogging. Like having a massage that doesn’t quite go deep enough. But if we both bring more awareness to it we might find that after a little while that flogging provokes a very strong emotional release, and it might be that after a few of those floggings the person just isn’t carrying as much in their shoulders and they might start experiencing the flogging differently. I’ve seen that happen a lot, where the person’s ‘emotional body’ is no longer holding onto pain and they experience a lot more bliss. Another thing that might happen is they lose interest in flogging altogether, because what they needed was to get to the bottom of what they were holding in their shoulders, and once they get that they no longer have a desire for it. What’s really interesting is that often the journey to experiencing more bliss is through meeting a lot of pain fully. It’s about going deeply, with awareness, into whatever is there, and ecstasy is usually on the other side of that process. cliterati.co.uk/2014/09/kinkerview-london-faerie-sacred-pleasures/
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 19:48:25 +0000

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