Take that of the finest that you have of love, and bring it into - TopicsExpress


Take that of the finest that you have of love, and bring it into your heart The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke in a parable about the gift of love, July 20, 1984. Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever. We give unto you this parable in this manner and in this way. For a woman who carries a child should be beautiful in the eyes of all mankind. But she should be exceptionally beautiful in the eyes of her husband. For only she knows that life dwells within her; only she may feel that life. And from the wonder and the miracle from within shall shine from without her, and therefore, she shall be beautiful among all women. But we say unto you, when the woman bears the child, and gives it unto the man, and the man brings the child into his heart, as he has his wife, then, in truth, there is love, the love that the child may feel from the day it is born. And should the mother say unto the grandmother, “Here, I give unto you a gift of love,” and the grandmother receive this love, then the love has become bountiful. And should the mother say unto the grandfather, “Here is my gift of love,” then in truth, a mountain of love has begun to build. And should the father say unto his mother, “Mother, here is a gift of love that my wife and I have given unto you,” and she accepts this love, and he says unto his father, “Here is a gift of love,” and should they accept this love without jealousies, then a love beyond love, beyond all love, is born. In one small infant it is manifested in its finest form. Take that of the finest that you have of love, and bring it into your heart. Look at the smile that the child gives unto you, for that child asks nothing from you but love. And it gives you love in return. Yes, the child may make messes, but they are messes of love, for the child knows no hate of any kind. So, glory be into the gift of love, the miracle of birth, that the Lord, God, has given unto mankind. And what the Lord, God, has given, let no man put asunder…. And we should say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children. Now is a time when the ground is at a lull. But soon, new earthquakes shall commence upon your western coast, and volcanoes. The Ring of Fire shall soon appear again. But we say to you, there shall be earthquakes in the middle of the United States and mid-Canadian. It shall go up, in an upward direction from the Ring of Fire. Look therefore unto the same. In the northern part of Russia, chaos shall commence. [Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birthdates to respect privacy. This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.] Copyright © 1984 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona 85502 Please click on the date to read all the guidance the spiritual messengers of God spoke that evening. Please share this message with others
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 04:48:54 +0000

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