Take time to talk to your kids about using the R word and how - TopicsExpress


Take time to talk to your kids about using the R word and how hurtful it is. Better yet, check your own vocabulary. Tonight I sat with the girls and used this as a teachable moment. I have always taught them to not use that word. Riley is a friend of Julias so it really brought it home for her. She was so upset someone could be so mean. Julia said: I dont know why someone would say that about Riley! She is freakin amazing and my friend. She is beautiful and unique. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shared by a friend on her page: Reality check: Sometimes having a kid with Down syndrome sucks. Not Riley, but just the fact that one can SEE her disability and judge. And there are A LOT of ignorant, judgmental people all too quick to judge what they dont know or a walk theyve not walked. I say this, b/c today at school, a little knucklehead said, Coach always takes Noahs side, because his sister is a f***ing retard! Luckily, Noah didnt hear it, and thank God his friend did and told the principal. But you know what? That kid couldnt have hurt Noah more if he had cut him with a knife. My boy loves his sisters and is especially protective of Riley. My boy cried today, hard, aching tears... and I cannot fix it. But you know what? He had a choice today -- I can beat him up OR I can tell the principal. Noah chose the high road. Today, in that principals office, facing a boy with tears rolling down his cheeks, my boy said, Those words dont slip. Why would you say that? Rileys my sister. Today, like the STARFISH THROWER, who faced thousands of dying starfish that washed up on the beach & threw as many back in as he could, knowing he couldnt save them all but knowing that it would make a difference to the ones he threw back in the sea... today, my son threw a starfish in the sea. In this world of mean, ignorant, and judgmental people, my son gave a kid a chance... he didnt punch (& he wanted to), he didnt cuss (& he probably had every right), & he didnt lower himself (which I might not have minded). Today, through a tear-stained face, my son stood as a man for a little girl, who captured his heart 8 1/2 years ago... and was never the same. People look, but rarely do they SEE. But you know what I was blessed to see?!? God gave me the gift of a starfish thrower...and what a difference he has made to the path I walk.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:16:15 +0000

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