Take to the streets on International Women’s Day Sat. March - TopicsExpress


Take to the streets on International Women’s Day Sat. March 8, 2pm 24th and Mission Streets, San Francisco Women’s Rights Are Under Attack What do we do? Stand up, fight back! Stop violence against women Drop the charges against Marissa Alexander Full reproductive rights now This Saturday, for International Women’s Day, we will be taking to the streets in defense of women’s rights. International Women’s Day is celebrated around the world as a day of struggle for women’s rights—a day that was initiated by working women here in the United States struggling against factory conditions in the early 20th century. Many decades later, there are still many reasons to organize, to build a movement. Women continue to be confronted by limited access to healthcare, including full reproductive rights. Violence against women is rampant and the victims frequently criminalized and shamed. Police brutality and harassment plagues our communities. Marissa Alexander, an African American woman defending herself against domestic violence, is facing decades in prison for firing a warning shot against her attacker that injured no one. This is in the same state where vigilante George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges after stalking and murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, under Florida’s “stand your ground law! Women are exploited and commercialized in the media. Funding for social services that millions of working and poor women depend on are being slashed while we continue to receive unequal pay. Particularly in the San Francisco Bay Area, where working people are less and less able to live, poverty is a women’s issue. But there is an answer—past wrongs against women have been righted by organizing, by bringing together masses of people to confront injustice. On March 8, WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend) will be joining others at 24th and Mission Sts. to speak out against attacks on women’s rights and to work toward building a movement that can take on the system that institutionalizes violence against and oppression of women. More info about WORD at: defendwomensrights.org/
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:02:55 +0000

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