Taken from Ask Veda for all kind information please! Home Remedies - TopicsExpress


Taken from Ask Veda for all kind information please! Home Remedies for Bad Breath Boil 5-6 betel leaves in 2 cups water. Cool it and Filter. Use this mix to rinse the mouth twice a day. Home Remedies for Sinus infection To 200ml lukewarm water, Mix 2tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and 1 tbsp honey. Consume this mix thrice a day for 5 to 6 days. Home Remedies for Gout Eat cherries in all forms – fresh, or as cherry juice, or in the form of tart cherry extract. It is helpful in the treatment of gout due to its antioxidant property. Cherry also contains anthocyanins which can reduce inflammation as well as lessen the flare ups of gout. Start your day with 10 to 12 cherries!! Natural Remedies for Eye Care: One of the most popular home remedies for eye care is eating carrots. Carrots have beta carotene which is a precursor of an essential vitamin for overall eye heath, vitamin A. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which is the precursor of vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening the eyes and protecting them from night blindness. Home Remedies for Cholesterol Onions contain high levels of quercetin, an important flavonoid that reduces cholesterol. high concentrations of the compound quercetin hinders the oxidation process of LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol, which help prevent the negative effects of this type of cholesterol. How to naturally care for your heart. The fact remains, heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in United States. The American diet that concentrates on sweet and salty food, animal fats and fried foods is largely at fault. A sedentary lifestyle lacking sufficient exercise only further increases the rate of heart disease in America. In any case, after 50 years of age, the heart requires proactive care to increase its lifespan. Keep in mind, heart attacks, stroke, angina and high blood pressure are generally preceded by palpitations, insomnia and numbness or severe pain in the chest or middle back that radiates down the arms. Shortness of breath and blue lips and tongue are other signs of a weak heart. In my opinion, all cardiovascular health conditions including heart disease are completely preventable. There is little dispute that dietary changes and exercise will go a long way to improve most heart conditions. However, in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine herbal formulas are the most important factor for “reversing” conditions of the heart and improving circulation. A Healthy Heart Diet It is important to remember that the roots causes of heart disease, generally speaking, are poor nutrition, “bad” dietary fat, stress, sugar and toxins. First of all, never eat fat derived from margarine, avoid products with palm oil and use coconut oil moderately. Sesame seed, sunflower and flax oil are all preferable. Of course, do not overheat oils when cooking; never fry olive oil and other “low heat” oils. Mother Nature provides us with a variety of foods that are good for your heart including flax, sesame and sunflower seeds, garlic and onion, hummus, mung bean and alfalfa sprouts, apricots and dates, olive oil, chestnuts, almonds, green beans, blueberry, and watermelon. However, the right foods for you to consume in large amounts must be based on your body-type or you may find yourself imbalanced in other ways. Many of us stay away from beans ignoring the fact that beans can be one of the best things you can eat to protect your heart. The soluble fiber in beans helps block cholesterol and fats from being absorbed into your bloodstream. There is no doubt that eating a legume rich diet can lower your cholesterol. If you feel a need for some meat then replace red meat with healthier meats like white turkey meat. (I don’t recommend fish due to to the increased toxicity of most fish particularly with heavy metals). I do recommend two ½ cup services of beans per day! Additionally, you want to consume high antioxidant-rich foods to protect against heart disease that include red and blue berries, most red fruits, black olives, black beans, red onion, kiwi fruit and apples. The berry family is the best family of fruit for the heart as they can prevent plaque buildup in the wall of the coronary arteries, by reducing cholesterol in the blood stream. My dietary recommendations are a controlled fat (not low-fat)/ low-sugar diet consisting of complete meals with legumes for protein, whole grains (as recommend for your body-type), and large amounts of mostly leafy green vegetables with each meal including breakfast. I always recommend the liberal use of spices, and berries as snacks. It is difficult to eat well when you are eating out so you really need to prepare your own meals at home to control the ingredients and add the spices that you need. Plan ahead what you are going to eat so you have a chance to choose your foods carefully. It’s essential to eat freshly prepared meals not leftovers and processed foods. Check every product you purchase for the sugar content and keep all sugar to a minimum. Do not weaken your digestion system by eating late at night, eating a heavy meal at dinner or snacking between meals on foods other than fruit. As a prerequisite for health proper sleep and rest are also essential. Recommended Supplements For nutritional supplements you need to be taking daily doses of therapeutic oils high in Omega-3 Fatty acids such as flax oil or even better pharmaceutical grade fish oil. Additionally, a whole-food Vitamin B-complex, a natural vitamin C (not ascorbic acid) and a natural source of Vitamin E from wheat germ oil are also important to cover your nutritional bases. Spices for your heart To reverse an existing condition, liberally use anti-inflammatory herbs in your diet such as turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, parsley, cloves and oregano. Cooking with garlic is also beneficial for most heart conditions if it is suitable for your body-type and does not aggravate your intestines. Eating raw garlic is much healthier for you than dried varieties so juicing with garlic can be very effective. Spice up your life with herbs, roots, and plants that benefit your health as much as they do your taste buds: From keeping your heart healthy and your arteries clear to reducing pain and warding off diseases, these everyday flavors will add a healthy punch to all your breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Herbal Support Daily, drink herbal teas with hawthorn berries and hawthorn leaf to further prevent cardiovascular plaque from building and keep circulation strong. My heart formula tea contains: organic Hawthorn leaf and flower, organic Lemon Balm, organic Rosehips, organic Dandelion leaf, organic Ginkgo, organic Oatstraw, organic Bilberry fruit, organic Hawthorn berries, organic Ginger, organic Lemon peel, organic Motherwort, and organic Meadowsweet flower. In Ayurveda, the base for most heart formulas is the Arjuna bark which has a proven history of strengthening the circulatory system, lowering blood pressure and balancing cholesterol levels. Herbs like Arjuna bark are not designed to be taken alone and need to be combined with other herbs to support digestion and make a more effective herbal medicine. It is best to have herbal formulas prepared by a herbalist. Relaxation and Meditation The first treatment for heart disease involves an extended period of rest or reduced activity, both physical and mental. Strain and worry should be set aside and a vacation is often recommended. The best method to calm the mind and relax the nerves is daily meditation. This involves, sitting still in a quite place, breathing deeply for 2- 5 minutes and then stilling the mind by focusing on an object, a phrase or even music for 10-15 minutes per day. After daily practice, the mind will settle, the nerves will become more calm and blood pressure will gradually reduce. Home Remedies for Migraine Drink Lovism Tea / chamomile (Babunphul )tea everyday as this will reduce migraine symptoms and is one of the simple home remedies for migraine. Health Benefits of Watermelon Juice A glass of watermelon juice daily could reduce the risk of acquiring or worsening diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and colon cancer. Furthermore, since a watermelon is rich in antioxidants, it can preempt the development of kidney stones. Watermelons are incredibly hydrating, as they are made up of 92 percent water. Drinking watermelon juice can act to detoxify your entire body, cleansing your kidneys, bladder, and gall bladder. Watermelon juice can also aid in weight loss when incorporated in a daily regimen. Watermelons are a wonderful low calorie, low cholesterol, and low fat addition to any diet.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 07:40:52 +0000

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