Tanners Voyages (The Journey) Chap Twenty Three/ Segment - TopicsExpress


Tanners Voyages (The Journey) Chap Twenty Three/ Segment five. Margret heard Audrys whispers with Jin. Her search for the memories inside her allowed for a calm she needed. In her mind the memories appeared like a giant tapestry with many tares. Like the fragments of time many held on by mere threads. Jin looked at her watch and said it is almost time to beam down. Margret stood but kept her back to them. She asked Jin Janet, go change. Audry and I will be ready shortly. Girls I have a gift for Audry you cant see. Both saluted and bowed went out and closed the hatch. Audry was nervous about Margret. Margret turned and she wore the eyes of another person. when she spoke. Audry gasped shivered and bowed. She had heard stories of memories so intense that for moments the Clone seemed to appear and act as those back from the dead. In the voice of Mandy herself she said It was my guard who bumped into you and made you hit the trash can.. Audry gasped. Margret continued, You were right the memory is fragmented and almost gone. I remember you little one. Do you remember the shiny coin I slipped into your pocket? Audry pulled out from around her neck a coin on a leather strap. Its shine now long gone. Audry said I hid and kept it like you asked. Not even mother knew. Margret sat down beside Audry. Remember the cool of the fountain as we sat on its edge? Tears flowed from Audry as she said I can never forget and never will. Margret said soon I will. That coin with the hole in it was given to me by a wonderful woman from Earth. She loved me and I loved her. It was so long ago. Both now fill the dust of death and love of the past. Look at you now, all grown and found love. This is your day to walk a new path into the future. Embrace it. Remember what was and cherish it. One day, you will appear standing at the crossroads of life and death. I will be standing there. I will hug and kiss you as I did then, and will do now. Margret gently reached over with her finger, she lightly traced the now very faint little scar and kissed it. She said, I kiss the wound that brought me your love. Audry hugged her hard and Margret whispered I must go now my little one. I remembered and will remember forever. Go and embrace the love of your man and know joy unspeakable. Margret sealed the memory with a gentle kiss on her lips. By then both were crying. and holding each other as the moment of love passed. Margret slowly stood and said Audry remember when I said, we were linked? Do not be afraid. Margret looked up to the ceiling of the room took a deep breath and said Husband are you ready?, Good. This will be hard. Draw from Chalnys strength and I will add mine when I arrive. Audry, Our link will sever when this ship travels over one light year from our world. For everybody this will hardly be noticed. For Jake and I this will hurt and be very frightening. We have been joined for a long time. To experience the privacy of ones own thoughts will be very unsettling at first but we will adjust. When you walk out and everybody leaves dont look back. Jake and I will share a very private moment of ours alone. The separation will begin then. Just go and know we will be all right and when I come back with that treaty in hand in two weeks all of us will rejoice, as the Oath of Mandy will begin again. Come lets wash our faces and leave. You have love waiting for you. Audry said thank you for the gift, I will cherish it always. We both went and washed off their faces and redid their makeup. (Romulans didnt ware much) Margret open the door and both girls waited guarding outside. They came in and Janet flipped a secretly placed switch and the Transport disruptors were off. Margret gave Audrys face one final look over and gently lowered the vale. The transport was super quick but Audrys heart skipped a beat. Margret and the wedding party stood at the Queens door. Margret whispered Jin, I feel fine so no shot this time. Be ready for Jake though. I feel him and am combining Chalnys strength with mine. Janet go to the middle isle and wait half way down. Girls remember what you see you can never speak of. They both saluted and bowed saying on our lives we never will. Ok Audry, remember your steps and remember to breathe as normally as you can. This is your day so enjoy it. The room went very quiet. Jake went to go be with Allister. The doors opened and Jin stood by Audrys left, all dolled up in her best uniform. Margret stood by Audrys right, lightly holding her hand in hers. The law giver banged the gavel and started his speech of the ceremony. As it once was and always has been, two paths have come together and seek to be united in the bonds of love. Margret gave Audrys hand a slight squeeze and she started her walk. Janet fell in behind Margret and the wedding had begun. The Senators gasped as Audry walked into view with each step, her dress sparkled with the afternoon sun. Allister looked as if he was going to pass out. As they both walked into view, The moment of bonding began. The moment of the first look will seal the memory of each other in their minds forever. At the edge of the Bannister both stopped Jake shook Allisters hand and placed the ring box in them. Audry turned to Margret and she lifted her vale. Margret bowed and saluted Audry, as she turned to finish her walk. Jin and Janet slipped back behind the audience as they watched. Jin was nervous but kept the trank gun handy in her pocket. Janet was standing at Audrys senate chair and was concentrating hard on Jake. The happy couple looked so beautiful. All Janet and Margret could see was Jakes eyes. The pull was very powerful. As Allister and Audry exchanged rings the ceremony was nearing its end. Jake and Margret started taking small steps toward each other and stopped on either side of the center isle. Saying nothing. Hardly moving a muscle they talked and shared their love inside their minds distracting each other as the wedding progressed. None of us heard the vows as both had their eyes locked on the other. The senate noticed. half were watching the bonds of love as Allister and Audry began their walk. And others were witnessing the wordless display of the bond of love between a Praetor and his Queen. The wedding party neared. Both took two steps back Saluted and bowed as they passed. The Law giver followed behind. Jin and Janet motioned for continued Quiet and were ushering out the crowd. This was the last time both would be together before Margret set foot on Earth. The couple looked back at each other. Feeling her resolve start to slip. Chalny went to the praetors door as Jin walked around and unplugged the cameras One by one the doors closed and a guard stood outside to guard them. The last of the stragglers saw Margret lift her hand and point to the center isle door Jin whispered please you must go. They need their privacy. Finally, the last door was closed and guarded. Jin, Janet and Chalny stood motionless. Nobody said a word as the lovers embraced and kissed with a passion neither had words for. The Aquaterian bonding made both glow blue as they joined in mind and body. Jin and Janet had experienced this. Chalny had only experienced it when Ellen greeted her at the shuttle landing pad on Shuran, so very many years ago. The wordless beautys of the bonds of love grew stronger as both layed on the marble floor and shared with wild abandon, as if they were all alone,The moans of love began to fill the room. Jin held her Janets hand as each gave whiteness to the site of unbridled love. Janet reached for Chalny and held her hand. All three were dripping with tears. Slowly, the glow began to fade as Margret held her man. Margrets eyes sparkled like fire as Jake closed his. His mind still making love to his wife as both parted and stood. Jin helped Margret dress and took her to the transport as Jake was being helped up and dressed as well. Janet beamed over to the house and Chalny helped him out of his clothes and into the pre-poured tub of bubbles. Janet smiled as Chalny undressed and began to comfort her man. Up on the Keshara. Margret stood as a child and allowed jin to undress her and took her to the bath. Jin undressed and stepped in holding her tightly. She saw Janet beam over as waited as she undressed and came to share in the bubble tub. Jin gave the order to break orbit and all was ready for the separation. The second in command had the bridge and announced they had cleared the mine shield and set course for Earth. They stayed at sub-light speeds till they neared the light year mark. As the limit was slowly passed both felt the tearing of the link. Margret grabbed both Jim and Janet and held on tight as she screamed out in agony. Poor Jake screamed and thrashed himself in the tub as Chalny joined with him to distract him. She implanted a vision of Jenar in his head and he felt her love as the vision came to him In a moment the pain faded and the darkness of being alone in his head for the first time in over a year took over. Their bodies still joined Chalny held him tight as he sobbed for his wife. Loneliness is a horrible thing. A torture in its own self. Chalny felt her own passions building but was crying for her man as his release filled her with love. Their bodies merged Chalnys first obligation as second wife was underway. The Keshara accelerated to trans warp factor five as Margret settled. Feeling the wordless comforts of Jin and Janet was intense. Her mind now had a void where her husband used to be. The pains of loneliness filled her with more sobs and wails as the Girls did all they could do to comfort her. An hour later the girls cleaned their Queen and dried her along with themselves. Helping her to the bed all climbed in and snuggled together. Janet kissed Jin and then they both kissed Margret. All three exhausted with the days work and sorrows. Sleep found them. Jin wrapped Margret from behind and Janet from in front. Their shared comfort had done the job but only tomorrow would show how much for sure. Later that night,at home, Jake woke and found Chalny with him in the tub exhausted and he had realized all that had happened and all that Chalny had sacrificed to give. The seeds of love now planted in them. Jake carried His Chalny and dried her body along with his. There in bed his head now cleared and empty of Margrets voice he held Chalny and they shared again. This time for each other. Exhaustion finally took them both and they slept in each others arms.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 11:09:00 +0000

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