Taqiyya (al Taqiyya) is the Muslims license to lie to infidels in - TopicsExpress


Taqiyya (al Taqiyya) is the Muslims license to lie to infidels in order to camouflage Islams holy war strategy (jihad) to conquer the world. The strategy mentioned through orders and solicitations in the Quran 3:28 and other Islamic writings and reference applies to all Western countries and against all infidels people (non-muslims) who is not Islamic and therefore seen as a constant threat to Islam. I hate how many people are instantly jumping to try and assure everyone that the Muslims of Australia condemn this act and are praying for the hostages involved to be released unharmed and that the 2 terrorists have nothing to do with the greater islamic community and that 99.99% of all muslims are peaceful peace loving harmless spiritual individuals etc etc what a giant load of shit these people are doing this in the name of islam, the islamic bible the quran commands all true muslims to lie to non muslims and to kill them all however they can. what about the islamic terrorists raided and arrested in brisbane not long ago?? what about the world trade centres, what about the london bombings the bali bombings iraq afghanistan the taliban, Al-Qaeda, the terrorists who tried to bomb the opera house and the sydney harbour bridge 2 years ago but got raided first? What about the suburbs of australia that have been taken over by large muslim populations who forced out all australians who lived there first with threats violence vandalism and harrassment, what about the muslim rape gangs in prison for going around bashing and gang raping young girls and women because as they put it the only true law of the world is islam and aussie women are filthy pig whores who have no rights and deserve to be raped? what about the poor 15 year old girl who was followed and raped by 3 muslim grown men in a park? what about the women in a critical condition in hospital for asking some muslims to stop urinating on a war memorial that bashed her into a coma? What about all the muslim houses in lakemba that have ISIS flags on their windows and flag poles ? What about sweden collapsing from muslim immigrants rioting and burning down towns they let in to help and the 1000s of women that were gang raped there? Everyone is saying the muslim community is disgusted and their only actions and desires are to condemn the terrorists? then what do they say about this page I came across. What about the fact that ISIS threatened australia and directly said they are going to take over bendigo first as their stronghold, and now suddenly theres a huge muslim presense in bendigo fighting the locals and bribing the council to approve a giant mosque the size of a fortress for over 3000 people? We need to rise up against these people they are a threat to our way of life they want to ban christmas they want to ban christianity in our schools they have made under the table deals with the greens party with bribery and the votes of the 500,000 strong muslim community to keep the greens in power who are now suddenly trying to make australia a secular nation with an open border policy, what a coincidence! What about the fact that the islamic party for australia has been formed to run for office and have already drawn up an islamic constitution of australia to replace ours because as they said there is no legitiment government but islam and australia belongs to islam as do all lands and within 50 years we will outnumber you and take control. Look at the below pictures that is how the islamic community of australia reacts to this in truth. Theres a couple hundred thousand Australians out there already aware of all of this trying to spread the word who have lost their own homes due to the legal fees of battling islamic groups trying to build mosques everywhere. These people arnt peaceful they have killed 270 million people in the name of their god and prophet and many have openly said on videos they proudly uploaded to youtube that Australia will be an islamic nation and it will be cleansed of all non believers all the infidel will fall. Heres a particularly colourful video they put up that admits more than they should have. Haydn Welzel Jesse Hayes Tabetha Sielaff Ryan Edmunds Stephen Leat Boycott Halal in AustraliaAustralians United Against Sharia Law Australian Patriot Infidels Bruce Pach Graham-hill Karla Howell Peter Vose Andrew Newton Patrick Davey Aaron Wolfe Jack Revell Luke Humberdross Keith John Bean Jase Corrie Dale Revell Stephanie Swift Larna Searle Lachy Mate Barney Holliday Stop Islam Our Eye On Islam - 2. If anyone does not like being tagged in this because they dont want friends or family seeing it untag yourself and let me know. https://youtube/watch?v=ZmGRshS0PAw&feature=youtu.b
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 05:04:43 +0000

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