Tender Mercy of the Lord or Coincidence? As I posted - TopicsExpress


Tender Mercy of the Lord or Coincidence? As I posted yesterday,Shari and I drove to Springfield for me to undergo surgery for an umbilical hernia and to remove my stitches on my stump. Both procedures went well. Truth be told, the aftermath of the hernia repair has been more painful than the amputation, despite the fact the hernia repair surgery was a much simpler procedure. Oh well, I am on the mend. At the outpatient surgery center, we checked in and waited to be called back into the surgery prep area. I am not sure how they decided the order, but it seems that despite arriving at 6:15 am, I was probably one of the last called back. There were a few times I was wondering if they forgot I was there. Before I continue, let me share a bit of my personal Cox South history. About July 8th through 10th,as I was a patient in room 811, I had a PCA (patient care associate) named Maria. During her shift she would stop in to take my vital signs, assist me to the bathroom, etc. She brought me a rinse-less bathing material, gave me privacy and allowed me to bathe myself while in my bed. After I was done, she carefully washed my back and gently scrubbed between my toes since I was too weak to reach down. As she helped me those days, we talked and got to know each other a bit. She told me that she was from Belize. She lived there until her 20s and moved to the States when she married an American. We discussed our families (children, grandchildren, etc) She was my favorite PCA. (Even though they were all great!) As misfortune would have it, I went into surgery to close my stump on the 10th and got out of surgery after shift change. She did not work on the 11th, my discharge date. I never got to thank her for her angelic care or to say goodbye. I planned to get up to the 8th floor sometime with hopes of running into her to thank her properly. Fast forward to my LONG wait to be called back for surgery. Shortly before 7:00 am, I started to see a large number of nurses and PCAs enter the building and walk towards the elevators. I looked up and saw the familiar black hair with gray streaks. Could it be? As she got closer,I could see her more clearly, it WAS Maria. I wheeled up to her and shook her hand. I re-introduced myself and she immediately said, you were in 811. She remembered me! I thanked her for all she did, especially the toe scrubbing. She smiled as I did so. Her daughter was with her, she told me how much she loved hearing about the good work her mom did. How her mom tenderly cared for her patients, and how her patients really appreciated it. We said our goodbyes (properly), and she headed upstairs to work the 8th floor. As I reflect back on the event, I see the hand of God at work. Yes I admit I was getting a bit annoyed at the delay. I mean, come on, we left our house at 4:40 am to be there at the appointed hour. Then the annoying delay. Then, without warning, I see the shift change occur and the employees enter through the outpatient surgery wing, of all places. Then I just happen to look towards the door at the right moment to see a familiar face. The very face of the one person I really needed to say thank you to. And as an added bonus Marias daughter was there to have reaffirmed to her what a loving mother she has. Now some would look at this as pure coincidence. Me, I see the work of God. He knew I had a void in my heart. He knew Marias daughter needed reaffirmation. He saw to it that all the right people were at the right place at the right time. My challenge to you is this. Take a little time in life to look around you. Notice things. Dont get so annoyed with delays or slight change in plans. Maybe, just maybe, all these things are happening for a reason. Maybe He has something or some one you need to see, Maybe He is slowing you down a bit to avoid an accident. I dont know what He has in store for you. I do know God is good, and knows you personally, and well enough to help meet up with the Marias in your life. If you will let Him! Until next time.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:39:12 +0000

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