Thailand: Human Rights Watch & Amnesty International - two - TopicsExpress


Thailand: Human Rights Watch & Amnesty International - two fraudulent fronts in the US human rights racket are focusing on Billy a human rights activist most likely murdered by National Park chief Chaiwat Limikitaksorn. They are focusing on Billy, and skipping past both Chaiwat and the current regime of Thaksin Shinawatra - a billionaire mass murderer, convicted criminal/fugitive running the country from abroad through a series of nepotist proxies. Under Shinawatra over 20 human rights activists have been outright assassinated or disappeared. Billy is #20 by my count. Absolutely no justice will ever be brought against those that killed Billy and those that are perpetuating the climate of impunity that currently exists in a country where terrorists are employed daily against protesters in the streets of Bangkok. Just yesterday, 2 M-79 grenades were launched at a protest site in Bangkok. It is added to the list of investigations that will be open-ended forever because it is the REGIMES POLICE THEMSELVES behind the violence. Same goes for Billys disappearance. If you are going to waste your time appealing to HRW or Amnesty, make sure you DEMAND they point the finger at not only Chaiwat, but the criminal, murderous regime of Shinawatra. Amnesty and HRW have howled for years regarding 2010 violence that Shinawatra triggered in a bid to seize back power - but interestingly enough, they have pointed the accusing finger at security forces charged with confronting what HRW itself admits were approximately 300 heavily armed terrorists. Fighting for Billy is fighting against not only Shinawatra and his gaggle of murderous underlings, but also against disingenuous politically motivated fronts like Amnesty and HRW that give human rights advocacy a bad name.
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 11:51:21 +0000

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