Thank you Gene Shalit for compiling your humor and wit anthologies - TopicsExpress


Thank you Gene Shalit for compiling your humor and wit anthologies Laughing Matters: A Treasury of American Humor and Great Hollywood Wit: A Glorious Cavalcade of Hollywood Wisecracks, Zingers, Japes, Quips, Slings, Jests, Snappers & Sass from the Stars. Ive read them both over the course of 3 months and cherished every second of each. He is a great film critic on the Today show--at 88, the last great critic standing--I watched him for years until he retired in 2011 after 44 years. Glad I found these treasures and I loved reading the gems of memories about how each piece of humor or wit was discovered in his early life, his snippets of memories of several writers mentioned in these books being Shalits mentors in college, and more Shalit-penned mementos in between each writers piece. These books are great reads. Love the humor of Abbott & Costello, Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Zeppo, Oscar Levant, Woody Allen, George Kaufman, Samuel Goldwyn, S.J. Perelman, Billy Wilder, and others in these. Gene, please write a book of your life. Ill be in line waiting at a signing.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 19:37:18 +0000

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