Thank you Harjinder Kanwal for approving my request. For years I - TopicsExpress


Thank you Harjinder Kanwal for approving my request. For years I wanted to thank Patrick Shaw the legendary police chief for saving my life and now after so many years I have finally got my chance to do so. One afternoon aged 12 yrs in 1980 or so I was cycling as usual in Nairobi down the 2nd Parklands Avenue to the petrol station at the junction of Limuru Road, all of a sudden without realising it I had ended smack in the middle of a full gun battle, Slush (bhajia café next to the petrol station) had just had an armed robbery and all their customers were still lying on the floor. As I cycled through, I heard the gun shots and bullets flying past, it’s sounded just like in the movies a sort of whistling sound but travelling very fast. All of a sudden as I looked up towards one side lying flat on the ground was Patrick Shaw, he stood up and raised his hand and gestured me to scram!. The cops and robbers had stopped firing no-one wanted to kill a small innocent boy, I remember the silence that followed very clearly because I was in shock and time had stood still seconds had become minutes. Luckily I was allowed to cycle back up to the road (2nd Parklands) and boy did I fly. Bullets had whizzed past me that afternoon and as a kid it was the most exciting thing to remember and obviously none of my friends believed me and I kept quite thereafter. It took me several years to realise that day Mr Shaw had risked his own life to save mine. Thank you Patrick Shaw I never got the chance to do so in person may god rest your soul. Thank you for reading, God bless.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 11:46:49 +0000

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