Thank you for letting me join your group. And lets see how - TopicsExpress


Thank you for letting me join your group. And lets see how truthful you people are ie: NOT BANNING, NOT SLANDERING, NOT ABUSING, ALL OF WHICH I HAVE ALREADY EXPERIENCED. LETS SEE IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO LET MY COMMENTS STAND. Personally I think that some of you are deceitful and evil. Why.... Let me tell you. I shared one of your comments with a disclaimer. It follows: DISCLAIMER: The only reason I am sharing these posts to my facebook is for legal purposes. Number one: open up this site so people can comment. Number two: How dare you people bash an animal rescue site. Everyone knows that this is not a registered charity. So big fn deal you get a receipt or not. ITS FOR THE ANIMALS. Whats wrong with you people. Alan, I actually respected comments from you when I first started to help Lynne with her rescues. What happened to you? You actually have the nerve to state that the monies arent going to the animals? SHAME ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU that even thought those thoughts. Do you know anything about vet bills? I was at the Lo-Ellen Craft Show this weekend. I donated all the of ingredients for the 5,000 cookies I BAKED. Lynne donated the ingredients for the cookies SHE BAKED. Do you really know what its like to get these animals in and have to deal other peoples abuse. I am one of the main transporters back and forth to Espanola all at no cost. I also have donated hundreds of dollars and raised hundreds of dollars to help these dogs and cats. I have paid monies both direct to the vet in Espanola (not a registered charity) and to Lynne. Not in a million years would I say or even think that these monies dont go to the animals. Your comments are hurtful and disgusting. I promise you that if I even hear from one person on the street that they wont donate to our rescue because of comments they heard that the money doesnt go to the animals you will be facing a lawsuit. And I warn you that you are harassing and defaming Lynne. You are placing yourselves in a very precarious situation. Someone in your group copy had cut and pasted another of my comments however what I said above for some reason was not included so I am thinking that you are selective in what you want to see on this board. I want you to know what we do and how hard we work. We do not sit at a keyboard making idiotic comments like some of which I have heard here. Now many more comments (not mine) were cut and pasted and for some reason THEY HAVE DISAPPEARED for me. What? Am I being BANNED????? I thought that was against the rules.... So please tell me what you are really trying to do? So far you are hurting ALL animal rescue groups. Im not understanding your motive for your hurtful and defamatory accusations. I stood at our booth this weekend each day. We made great contacts and had amazing discussions with true animal lovers. And you know what, we even cried with strangers when talking about our animals that we lost and the poor animals that we deal with coming in with horrible abuse issues. If you are trying to stop our efforts please for Gods sake say so and tell your members how you wish us to cease helping this poor creatures. This rescue sometimes sucks us of our hearts and souls. And then we have to deal with monsters like some of you. I truly hope you know what you are doing. AND BY THE WAY I HAD PROMISED TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON THAT BOUGHT DOG BISCUITS FROM US THAT ALL MONIES WERE GOING TO HELP THE ANIMALS. BECAUSE OF YOUR IGNORANCE AND DEFLAMATORY COMMENTS WE HAVE HAS TO ENGAGE THE ASSISTANCE OF A LAWYER. I WILL BE PAYING THOSE FEES BECAUSE OF MY PROMISE TO THOSE STRANGERS SO THAT THE MONIES WE RAISED DO GO TO OUR BEAUTIFUL HELPLESS FRIENDS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS AND AS FAR AS I AN CONCERNED YOU ARE STEALING FROM OUR FURRY FRIENDS. THIS IS VERY VERY SAD. I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY. AND AS I SAID BEFORE LETS SEE IF YOU HAVE THE BALLS TO LEAVE THIS. I THINK YOU PEOPLE ARE TRULY PATHETIC AND DONT DESERVE ANY RECOGNITION OF BEING ANIMAL HELPERS. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU. As far as I an concerned you owe an apology and a remittance for the lawyer fees we have had to disburse because of you. If you dont, you are proving that you are vile people that only want to hurt animals and not help. Shame on you. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 23:23:46 +0000

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