Thank you for sharing this Lisa Klimas! 57 Reasons I may be having - TopicsExpress


Thank you for sharing this Lisa Klimas! 57 Reasons I may be having a mast cell attack June 17, 2013 at 10:32pm 1. I was in direct sunlight for ten straight minutes. 2. My shower was too hot. 3. My shower was too cold. 4. I accidentally ate a seed and now my body doesnt know what to do. 5. I live in New England so its muggy out. 6. I sweated and didnt get the sweat off my skin fast enough. 7. I stubbed my toe. 8. I unknowingly used something containing artificial sweetener. 9. My heart rate was too fast for a minute. 10. My electric blanket made me too hot. 11. I ate too fast. 12. I didnt drink enough water. 13. I forgot to put sunblock on. 14. I tasted a beer. 15. I didnt take enough medication. 16. I took too much medication.. 17. Im hungry. 18. I got a bruise. 19. I washed my skin too hard. 20. Its Monday. 21. Something startled me. 22. I poked myself in the eye too many times while trying to get my contact out. 23. I changed any of my skin care products. Uh uh. 24. I walked through a flower garden. 25. I had to move fast. 26. I slept for too long. 27. I didnt sleep long enough. 28. I ground my teeth in my sleep. 29. I got mad. 30. I used hand sanitizer. 31. I was cranky. 32. I accidentally left my liquid medication in the closet with a candle so now it tastes like Midsummer Nights Dream, which is apparently a mast cell trigger. 33. I carved a pumpkin. 34. I ate a cherry. 35. I ran a block to escape the rain. 36. The sky hailed on me. 37. My dog laid against my leg for too long and made it hot. 38. The world is too dusty. 39. A cat threatened to rub against me. 40. I signed too much and irritated my wrist. 41. I blinked too much. 42. I poked myself in the eye with the mascara wand. 43. I accidentally licked the lip gloss off my lips. 44. I pulled a muscle while stretching. 45. I picked up something too heavy. 46. I sat still for too long. 47. I exercised too much. 48. I couldnt hear what you said and it stressed me out. 49. I laughed really hard. 50. I cried. 51. I used a cleaner that wasnt white vinegar. 52. My ponytail is pulling on my hair. 53. My earrings are too heavy. 54. I bit my tongue. 55. I woke up too early and couldnt fall back to sleep. 56. I couldnt get out of my wet clothes fast enough. 57. The world is not designed for people with mast cell disease. Inspired by Reasons My Son is Crying.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:08:05 +0000

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